No, I don't think they could have afforded both. I'm referring to how silly a decision Connolly made going to a franchise like FL....yes $ talks but whatever. Just a terrible hockey town and bad team.
And Holtby isn't going anywhere.
I think they’ll get it done with Vrana. I am dumbfounded at Connolly’s decision to go to the Panthers. Yes, $ talks but talk about a useless franchise to play for.
Agree with H20 on Bura...we needed to move on from him.
That’s what I’m hoping for. I’d love a 3 week stretch of sunny and no unsettled weather. The Bay is taking a beating with all this rain causing pollution runoff.
I’m still waiting for those EPIC -NAO/-AO panels that showed up on every seasonal/monthly/weekly/yearly/daily/semi-monthly/shitty model last winter. I don’t put stock in any kind of monthly seasonal forecasting now.
I’m in Deep Creek for the first part of the week. Currently 56 degrees. Forecast low is 46 and tomorrow night’s forecast low is 38. Picked up 0.81 of rain here today.
Drove through the storm that hit the American Legion bridge/Beltway around 5p or so...lots of quarter sized hail. Had to pull over on the shoulder on the Beltway with my hazards on since it was nearly impossible to see at one point.
Really great job on this's really fascinating to see the concentration in PA and OH. And I like the overlay of the watches too. Interesting that Anne Arundel/PG (ish) has been left off the watches this year.