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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Thanks all, much appreciated! 31 with SN. Trees are caked and it looks like a winter wonderland. About 0.75” new snow this afternoon.
  2. Watching football at a bar on the lake with snow falling. Good way to spend my 40th.
  3. I like seeing the GEFS SE of the OP but there’s a handful of OH valley members that track a bit more north than 6z. I’d like to see those go away over the next few days.
  4. Heisy cancelled winter last week and is now back in the forum cancelling this storm 6 days out.
  5. Considering you’ve already given up on winter, I’ll gladly take the GFS, CMC, and UKMET runs so far tonight.
  6. Terrible clock management but even worse calls by DET on the multiple penalties and still going for the conversion. Yikes.
  7. Exactly what many here have predicted. Seems like things are still on track despite yesterday’s panic.
  8. Side effect from reading the “this is why the pattern sucks” posts.
  9. Cue the Debs “you don’t want to see this 6 days out“
  10. But what do the 700 hour ensembles show for March?
  11. lol 63-3 UGA roasts FSU. UGA got screwed out of the playoff, not FSU.
  12. Post this in the LR thread. With how much doom and gloom shit is posted there over and over, they need to see this.
  13. Just caught up on the 12/18z runs. So it’s not winter cancel? Just trying to keep up with the model mayhem.
  14. Snow picked up earlier this afternoon to create a bit of a snow globe the last few hours. Picked up another 0.7” since then Just got out of the hot tub which was pretty damn awesome as snow was falling. 29 degrees with SN-.
  15. No, wait let’s discuss if winter is actually over vs track an actual threat.
  16. Our 16 year old Scottie serving winter realness.
  17. I wish the ICON ran beyond 180 to see the next few panels for the 1/6-7 threat. Looked pretty good.
  18. Live look at the LR thread
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