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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Makes me think I’m a little high. I’m usually a tad lower than you.
  2. 11/15 1.9” 1/12-1/13 9.8” 1/17-1/18 1.2” 1/29: 0.3” 2/1: 1” (based on nearby reports) 2/10: 0.5” Total: 14.7”
  3. Nice! Glad you’re cashing in. Tomorrow night looks to be good your way too.
  4. Hope I didn’t jinx you. Nice wintry scene outside at least.
  5. Hopefully it stays south of you. Ping ping here in Fairlington.
  6. Nice wintry scene outside. And to think it was 73 a few days ago.
  7. All non pavement surfaces covered. Temp down to 32. SN.
  8. Honestly, this is the first year I’ve tried to learn something about the MJO so I’m a self described MJO newbie. It does seem like the prevailing thought is that the MJO has ‘controlled’ this winter...maybe I didn’t pay attention in other years or glazed past it, but did we talk so much about MJO in the past?
  9. COD after 8 or low amplitude in 8/1 in Feb would be fine I think.
  10. It’s a good thing the WWA started at 7.
  11. Yeah, hoping I don’t get to the house Thursday night and find a tree on top of it.
  12. No. Weathermodels and WxBell do not (to name a few).
  13. This ukmet map makes 0 sense with the Meteogram. It must be counting sleet as snow.
  14. It seems to have come to its senses at least for DC
  15. Yeah I actually think west of DC will be in a nice little surprise...these are the types of events that can catch people off guard especially if CAD overperforms like we usually do.
  16. I’m already at 36. I’ll get my galloshes ready.
  17. Hoping for a quick recovery for him.
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