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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Yeah, Arlington. Snowmaps have 6” in Garrett and 4-5” for your area.
  2. Pivotal is quicker than TT. 3-4” for you and I and heavy ice verbatim to dry slot. Would be a fun event.
  3. We need a storm where the is pulled out to describe a model run.
  4. Speed it up by 3-6 hours and it’d be a really healthy thump. Weenie handbook says precip breaks out quicker than modeled in WAA setups.
  5. Your paranoia over the north trend for tomorrow’s storm was certainly the right call.
  6. I like that the icon comes in hot and heavy...much better than light returns while the 850 line races north.
  7. I wonder if talking about how depressing this place is actually feeds into the “depressing” nature of the forum? I’m not calling anyone out but it probably adds to the overall mood talking about it.
  8. Basically on the edge of 7/8...I think its where the bigger black dot is (and where the green line starts which Is the forecast).
  9. Thanks for posting the comparison. I’ve been outside restacking firewood so haven’t had time to look too much into detail at the EPS. Between a strong signal on the EPS and pretty close guidance across the global at 12z, its hard not to be cautiously optimistic (even if I jumped last night in the Panic room...one too many Tito’s+soda ). As CAPE said, lets hope it holds/improves from here.
  10. I’m in McHenry through Monday. Hit 48 here as a high but winds have shifted out of the NW and temp is down to 45. My hill up to the house and driveway were a solid sheet of ice when we got here yesterday evening...they must have gotten at least 0.5” of ice this week. Thankfully no trees on the house.
  11. You definitely were on the hot to trot icon tour this winter. Enjoy your vindication day.
  12. I couldn’t remember why I put you on ignore until I unhid this post.
  13. Did you remember to take your V8 and calcium supplement?
  14. I think the northern tier will do well again with this but I’m unenthused for my area. It’ll probably be cold rain again for the majority of the event.
  15. Yeah, in reality my total so far is almost double my last two years combined so its certainly not as big a disaster as some years. I think its the hype going into this winter + the consistently advertised epic looks on weeklies/seasonal and even ensembles (at times) which has led to the disappointment in general. While we can certainly see more snow and can ‘luck’ into a storm, I’m over tracking anything in the LR. It seems pointless this season.
  16. And Oshie with his 500th career point. Caps are showing their potential tonight.
  17. Ovie with his 39th goal of the season!
  18. When life gets tough, just look to the FV3 which will give us feet upon feet of digital snow.
  19. Yeah I’m not falling for the weeklies again next year. (Remind me that next year when I sign onto a Week 4 -NAO)
  20. Caps playing well so far. Great bounce in their skate.
  21. You can totally bank on the weeklies proving useful for once with that look.
  22. 0.5” snow for DC. ETA: “trace” line gets to Baltimore. 2.5” EZF.
  23. Me. They’ll bounce back from the CBJ game
  24. If you want to experience a bad spring, come to Garrett County. We’ve had the house for two springs now and I’m amazed at how much rain they get here in the spring with temps in the 40s. The other three seasons more than make up for one bad season though.
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