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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. DPs are impressive across the area....will help cool us down when the precip arrives overnight/tomorrow morning.
  2. Wow. 0.4"+ by 15z for DC. I wish it was a reliable model. Hrdrps has a little better track record (I think)...will be interested to see if it holds from its previous runs.
  3. Created an obs thread. @WxUSAF would you mind pinning this and unpin the current Obs thread?
  4. Post your obs here. Hopefully we're all enjoying a few hours of snow tomorrow morning. 37/14 at work in Arlington.
  5. Can you host a get together at your house? We'll bring the people and booze...you just have to bake for all of us.
  6. 3k NAM has about 0.25" for DC before the flip to sleet.
  7. Phew, without your expertise none of us would know what to expect. You should get a job at LWX.
  8. Ha, this is such a perfect characterization of this forum. Well done.
  9. This. I'm looking forward to a wintry day tomorrow and taking the dogs for a long walk in the morning while its snowing. Even if I'm raining by 2pm, I could care less...I'll enjoy what falls and not bitch about it.
  10. I 100% agree with Phin's comments on 31.5 and mod/heavy rain is the same as 35 and rain. But I haven't really noticed people buying into a major ice storm for the cities/close in burbs. Best thing people can do in these setups is understand your climo.
  11. Yeah RGEM and HRDPS continue be very bullish for the area. RGEM has a very sketchy track record but HRDPS has been better I think.
  12. Still don’t see anything that changes my thinking for MBY. 2-4”, sleet, glaze of ice on typical surfaces then rain.
  13. Wow, HRDPS is a beatdown as losetoa6 mentioned. DC flips to sleet around 1pm. By then .6-.7 has fallen.
  14. My buddy is at the game and sent me a video on IG of the Ovi goal...the place erupted. So many caps fans there.
  15. No one cares what NYC gets from this in the MA forum.
  16. Caps off to a hot start at LA.
  17. FV3. By 15z, 0.4” has fallen in DC. All snow. 700 still safely to the SW near Warrenton-ish.
  18. FV3 has light snow breaking out by 6z in DC/NOVA.
  19. Looks like GFS starts around 10z in DC. As LP08 mentioned above, it agrees with the RGEM with the heaviest stuff targeting NOVA/DC.
  20. I’m hoping your wrong. I think I hold off on pure rain until after 7p.
  21. If RGEM is right, we’re looking at 6” before the flip.
  22. RGEM was great a few years ago so maybe it’ll be right again Wednesday...I’d love it if this panel verified even for an hour tomorrow.
  23. RGEM has start time in DC just after 9z.
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