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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. The UVA game was an instant classic. What a win by the team
  2. Gorgeous today. Cherry blossoms in my neighborhood are in full bloom. Hopefully we can avoid a freeze Monday morning.
  3. Gross. Wet flakes in April? Hard pass.
  4. If today doesn’t wake people up to the need to transform our area’s infrastructure, I don’t know what will. I tried to leave my office building in Rosslyn at 630 and people were waiting 50 minutes just to get out of parking garage in their car. Traffic was still crazy in Rosslyn, 395, Key Bridge, etc as of 10:30p. Imagine what would happen if adversaries deliberately tried to sabotage multiple access points in the area?
  5. I'll pass on 49 degree cold rain.
  6. Happy opening day! Best time of the year for sports in DC...Capitals and Nationals overlap with their seasons.
  7. Hopefully it held up. Low of 33 here and looks like the city also stayed above freezing.
  8. 49th goal by Ovi and a huge 2 points for the Caps. Isles lost too!
  9. Yup, ironically enough the NPS announced a peak date of April 1 tonight (revised from 4/3-4/6). Seems like the city will eek out staying above 32 which is good.
  10. Hoping the UHI of DC/Alexandria/Arlington can help keep me above freezing tonight. I’m done with freezes!
  11. Sounds terrible. Bring back yesterday’s weather!
  12. Cherry Blossoms are now in Phase 4 (Peduncle Elongation), which signals peak bloom is 5-10 days away. I would imagine with temps near 70/low 70s Friday and Saturday, we'll see peak bloom beginning this weekend.
  13. Yep, today was perfect...hope your fire pit is coming along well
  14. This tournament is the year of the blowouts apparently. A rather lackluster tourney so far.
  15. Forgot to use my face moisturizer that contains SPF today and got sunburned at Wisp today. Perfect day to ski considering how few people were out there and the snow we got yesterday. Great way to end the season.
  16. Some pretty crazy snow squalls here with gusty winds.
  17. Wow, UVA could lose to 16 seeds in back to back years.
  18. SN+. The normal duds and debs would be poo-pooing this since the sun angle is preventing max accumulation.
  19. Just got to McHenry and its 32 and snowing. Fluffy dendrites. But I'd rather it be sunny and 65 vs this.
  20. 60s and 70s can’t get here soon enough.
  21. Spent the afternoon power washing the patio. Good weather for it too - warm in the sun and not hot outside.
  22. Unfortunately Duke looks like a national champion heading into the tournament.
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