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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Down to 48 already. Brrr
  2. Low was 46 here. Currently 55 (with a DP of 38...!!!!!). Gusty NW wind. Too chilly for June. May need to start a fire tonight if it gets into the 30s.
  3. I’m still waiting for those EPIC -NAO/-AO panels that showed up on every seasonal/monthly/weekly/yearly/daily/semi-monthly/shitty model last winter. I don’t put stock in any kind of monthly seasonal forecasting now.
  4. I’m in Deep Creek for the first part of the week. Currently 56 degrees. Forecast low is 46 and tomorrow night’s forecast low is 38. Picked up 0.81 of rain here today.
  5. Drove through the storm that hit the American Legion bridge/Beltway around 5p or so...lots of quarter sized hail. Had to pull over on the shoulder on the Beltway with my hazards on since it was nearly impossible to see at one point.
  6. Really great job on this map...it's really fascinating to see the concentration in PA and OH. And I like the overlay of the watches too. Interesting that Anne Arundel/PG (ish) has been left off the watches this year.
  7. We'll soon be surrounded by watches...another MD just posted for SW VA/Southern WV/N KY. And another MD for the western half of the LWX area.
  8. Barstool shared this on IG...good for the guy. People are idiots.
  9. I love weather like today. Sunny, hot and humid with chances for afternoon storms.
  10. Full sun/clear skies here and currently 86. Maybe a surprise storm or two this far south later.
  11. I figured you’d be flying here to post it. You never miss an opportunity.
  12. Nothing severe here (in McHenry) but lots of downpours/T&L in pop up storms in/around here. It was neat sitting on the deck earlier under sunny skies while looking at the cumulus clouds just north of here and hearing lots of thunder.
  13. It was a perfect morning/early afternoon on Deep Creek Lake yesterday to kick off the summer season. Storms rolled through in the late afternoon and then another round at night. North of here in PA got some big severe weather.
  14. Wow, what a perfect day in store. Can't wait to sit out on the patio tonight! I guess its just me but there's no way in hell I'd want snow in late May...give me sun and warmth this time of year.
  15. Was just about to post the same! DP down to 61 and winds have shifted from the SW to W (should be from the NW this evening to usher in the drier dews).
  16. That was a wise decision to close schools today...hope everyone out there stays safe.
  17. Latest LWX forecast for Arlington is calling for mostly sunny in the morning then clouding up with a chance of showers this afternoon/tonight. Hopefully today is the last day of the chilly/mucky weather. My flowers are yearning for sun and warmth.
  18. Nice to see the sun making an appearance here.
  19. Just miserable outside. I’d rather 95 and sunny over this crap.
  20. Can someone explain why 270 is still only two lanes north of Clarksburg? Just nonsense.
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