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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I wish it was 6 degrees colder in NE....I’d love watching this game under heavy snow.
  2. IMO its only worth focusing on the next 10 days...beyond that, the models have been changing as you note. I’m just excited we open December with cold weather...hopefully can time a clipper that drops some frozen in the area.
  3. The first week of December’s pattern as currently advertised is great for the mountains in Garrett County & WV. Cold/dry NS dominant patterns is a boon for upslope conditions out there.
  4. That period bears watching for sure, especially in the mountains and favored NW areas. Pretty impressive system verbatim and would agree that the setup could favor a more southernly depiction with the low. I’m not even ‘worried’ about a possible +AO past D10 when we have a cold start to the month on tap...and lots of volatility on the LR stuff.
  5. Models coming around to the idea of some upslope overnight Wednesday into Thursday for the mountains. Not much in the way of accumulation but will make for a festive Thanksgiving morning.
  6. Might need to get my summer clothes out of the attic. December looks toasty.
  7. Outdoor Christmas lights up...now just need some snow to make it look like Christmas. Too bad we have Bob crushing weenie hopes and dreams in the LR thread. I’m glad I went with a call for ~5” at DCA.
  8. 3k NAM wetter again...1”+ for much of the area. Hopefully we see this setup repeat itself multiple times this winter.
  9. 00z 3K wetter overall for the area. Close to an 1” here and 1” for Baltimore NE.
  10. 3k favors your area and says 1”+ not out of the question. DC about 0.5-0.6” and it holds off until sunset or so which (selfishly) gives me time to put up the Christmas lights outside tomorrow.
  11. That sucks for the parade balloons in NYC.
  12. Certainly will change on a D9 OP but it looks like it transfers to the coast and we actually get frozen out of it. A time window to watch for sure with the blocking and 50/50 low which saves us.
  13. Nothing like Caps playoff atmosphere at Cap One!
  14. No, don’t have season tickets but have been on the fence about getting them. I picked a good random Monday night game to go to. There was the most obnoxious Ducks (trashy) fan in front of me that got kicked out in the 3rd period. She tried to start multiple fights...she must be a Ducks fan from Philly.
  15. Pouring leaving Cap One arena after the Caps game. Was not prepared for that!
  16. Putting up the Christmas decorations (inside/outside) on Saturday or Sunday since we'll be in Deep Creek for Thanksgiving so can't do it next weekend. Hoping for sunny/50.
  17. Who cares about the Redskins? Washington is a hockey & baseball town.
  18. Get ready for the forum mood swing. Not sure why we even bother looking at weeklies/monthlies/etc after last year’s atrocious verification.
  19. Start today. Should be done in time.
  20. We left Deep Creek a little before 10. Had over 1” OTG when we left and noticed that NWS had upped the WWA to 3-5”. We got about 0.5” from the front so most came from “Round 2” (aka upslope). Our flag was frozen this morning so would imagine the temp drop was fast after I went to bed last night.
  21. 23 degrees and light snow. 1” on the ground.
  22. Dropping rapidly now. Down to 46. Light rain.
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