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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. You’re in a great spot for this, enjoy!
  2. 3 PWS in our neighborhood are 29, 30, and 31. I’ll just go with the coldest at 29.
  3. He’ll probably get a “surprise” 8” tomorrow.
  4. Wish we were there this weekend. Enjoy it with the upslope too. 28 at 2800’ but sadly not that here at 150’.
  5. Good luck out there! I think these are the types of events that can surprise.
  6. Ah, thanks! I hadn’t looked at their scenarios too closely.
  7. Just please beat the Steelers so they’re knocked out of the playoffs.
  8. 3k looks sleety for a few hours before the flip to rain.
  9. 00z GFS OP shows the potential post MLK. Looking forward to see the ensembles.
  10. 30 here at home in Alexandria. 19 out at McHenry.
  11. Old news bro. @WxUSAF already posted it. You were too busy chasing our trace of snow Saturday.
  12. I now remember why I have him or her on ignore.
  13. Quite the Loudoun gradient. 0.5” to over 6” from SE to NW. 0.1” line runs through MBY, woo!
  14. It’s amazing what cancelling winter can do for you.
  15. 3k precip type, take the freezing rain map with a grain of salt.
  16. This isn’t an ice storm setup. It’s not like it’s in the teens leading up to this and it’s drizzling for hours. I’d cut those down significantly.
  17. That’s because DCA is a joke of a recording site. I’m like a mile from there and local PWS in our neighborhood have gotten below freezing 6 times in two weeks.
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