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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. You forgot to add that your post was sponsored by the Euro. :p There’s been plenty of instances that the models shifted looks in the MR this winter. I guess I’m in the “crowd” that reminds people that looks can change from a D15 smoothed out mean. Yes, models have gotten better over time but I don’t take a D15 look as 100% set in stone since it never is.
  2. Don’t start the new year off on a bad foot...I was good with you until now. You should stay in the SE forum.
  3. Would have expected us to be solidly in the AN vs equal chances for BN/AN.
  4. Pretty good snow squall driving back from dinner. Was freezing rain when we left the house earlier now moderate snow. 27 degrees. Happy New Year!
  5. Curious as well...perhaps the orientation of the trough? Still positively tilted.
  6. That’s what I’ve been paying attention to as well since (thanks to your research thread) and remembering something Wes (I think) talked about a few years ago, Scand ridges generally predict more favorable patterns for us even with a crap Pacific.
  7. 31 with light snow. Coating so far and expecting 1-2” through tomorrow morning. Great to go skiing later this morning. GFS schooled the Euro with today’s upslope...GFS consistently had this since last week while Euro was out to lunch. America!
  8. Down to 38/35..happy for the chill back in the air again.
  9. This is really great, thanks for doing it. Maybe we can get a Hudson Bay ridge pop up magically to save the crap January pattern & gives us a fluke warning level storm.
  10. 50 in Deep Creek with winds gusting to 30 from the WSW. At least it’ll be wintry here tomorrow with upslope snow showers.
  11. I really wanted the Eagles to lose...here’s to them getting beat next weekend at home (which is a joke they get to host a playoff game).
  12. Currently 49 and light rain. 0.25” on the day.
  13. I love seeing the steaming pile of shit that they’ve turned the Redskins into. As a Caps & Nats fan, its about time the two teams who have actually won things have become the talk of the town.
  14. Rooting for him/LSU to win it all...love his story and his speech at the Heisman ceremony was great.
  15. Agreed...another 3 penalties so far tonight. Holtby’s not having a good game tonight. I have YouTube TV and unfortunately don’t get NBCSW+ so I’m only following along on my phone while I’m watching the Clemson/OSU game. Let’s hope we reverse jinx them again with our posts. :p
  16. Just back from a great hike at Deep Creek State Park with the dogs. If its going to be 50 here in the winter, might as well take advantage of it and get outside.
  17. Nah, the obs thread would be littered with people complaining they only got 5” when someone just NW of them got 8”....or there was a period of sleet for 2 hours that knocked down totals by 20%. One thing is certain in the MA...you can count on the same dopes clogging the obs thread with complaints.
  18. Fine with me...ASG is a waste and he knows when he needs a break.
  19. Nice job smacking some sense into them with this post. Wore my Oshie Jersey while watching the game so I’d course feel that it helped him score the OT winner.
  20. Currently 50 here in Deep Creek. Torch for this time of year. Skiing conditions were actually better than I expected this morning until it started to rain a little. Will go again tomorrow night before Sunday’s deluge.
  21. That’s the spirit. Better than posting on repeat about how awful things look and omg and omg snow omg omg omg the pattern on February 23 looks terrible on the Euro monthlies. I’m going skiing this morning followed by some craft brews at Mountain State.
  22. At least we have the Caps to keep us occupied too. Until they do their usual mid-season slump in Jan/Feb.
  23. Just got to Deep Creek and surprised to see we still have some snow/ice on the ground - and full ground coverage in the shade. We lost a few very large branches and one tree from the ice storm a week or so ago - will be interesting when I’m able to see more when the sun comes up tomorrow but luckily nothing fell on the house.
  24. Merry Christmas to my fellow Christians - our Lord and Savior was born today! And a very happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends.
  25. Merry Christmas Eve y’all from NJ!
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