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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. While driving home from Deep Creek, we got stuck (of course) in traffic on the Beltway. It was 34 degrees but had to crack the windows in traffic since it felt warm with the sun. Sun angle panic should be picking up around here.
  2. Nice! Reading your posts makes me wish I got up to that area for one of these festivals, etc. One day I will!
  3. Heh, yep keeping a close eye on things. But at least today was a 10/10 on a winter scale...temps in the teens with WC -5 and snow all day. Just what I needed considering the ‘disaster’ the whole area has had so far especially East of 95. highly recommend a chase next weekend whether it’s here or somewhere else close for those feeling snow starved.
  4. A few pictures. The second was taken behind our house and the first from the parking lot of the Shop and Save on 219 looking at Wisp.
  5. Spectacular winter day here. Been snowing since 8a...mostly light this morning but it’s been moderate to at times heavy this afternoon. 19 degrees and just got off the Mountain Coaster at Wisp after a few hours of skiing.
  6. Picture of St Peter’s church in Oakland before heading into 9a mass with light snow falling. Time to ski!
  7. Hammer dropped overnight. Was 40 when we went to bed and now down to 22. Currently light snow with a fresh coating.
  8. 40. Upper levels must be cooling since it’s pouring but sleet/snow/rain mix.
  9. I was watching it on delay. What a 3rd period. And another hat trick by Ovi. Sam sparked the team.
  10. 43 here but winds have shifted out of the west so temps should start dropping.
  11. Yikes, Holtby is in a yuuuuge slump.
  12. Temp rising rapidly now. Up to 31.2. Over 0.25” of ice accretion.
  13. 28 with moderate freezing rain. Trees have the Narnia look to them.
  14. Unsurprisingly surface cold hanging on longer than modeled. Most had me above 32 by 1pm. It’s still 26 at 12:15.
  15. 26. About 0.10” ice. Great frozen pack on top of the 1”+ snow. Oddly enough it’s flurries again.
  16. It’s freezing rain here now. Earlier than anticipated. Being east of the mountains should help you stay snow longer in this case. I
  17. Sleet mixing in now with the snow here. 1.1” OTG. Hope you can get in on the next batch before the flip.
  18. Light snow starting again. No sleet (yet).
  19. 20. 1” of snow. No precip falling now.
  20. Seems like the bigger threat out here is freezing rain.
  21. Yup, at least it’s interesting winter weather! Will be on the slopes tonight, tomorrow morning, and Sunday. My guess is we are already sleeting by 7a tomorrow. Freezing rain late morning. And plain rain by 3pm. LWX just posted WWA for everyone west of 95. Pitt hasn’t posted for the mountains yet but should be as part of the afternoon package.
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