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Posts posted by nj2va

  1. 1 hour ago, Volcanic Winter said:

    Small world! I live at the TR / Manchester border and work up in Union Co. Grew up in Middlesex / Monmouth. 

    Born / raised in Middlesex county and my parents now live in Whiting in Ocean County.  Small world!

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, mattie g said:

    Picked up the kids from the bus stop and my 5th grader was *raging* at her strings concert being cancelled this evening. So I guess some students think it's dumb to cancel activities for gusty rain.

    Was pouring and windy for a bit, but it's slowed down over the past few minutes. Looks like it should be pretty interesting with in the next hour.

    Be honest, was that your proudest moment as a dad yet?  

    • Haha 4
  3. 1 minute ago, mattie g said:

    I'm really happy for them, but f*ck...I'm a little pissed that the mountain has basically been snow-covered since the morning we left, while it was decidedly not snow-covered while we were there. :lol:

    Remind me not to be there when you’re there. 

    • Haha 3
    • Sad 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, nw baltimore wx said:

    You all can make fun of me, but this is good! And about the only thing a Kuerig makes well.


    Don’t worry, there’s plenty of things to make fun of you about, this included.  :hurrbear:

    • Haha 1
  5. Really good summary by LWX

    A powerful storm system will impact the entire region Tuesday
    into Tuesday night. A highly amplified mid/upper trough over the
    Central Plains pushes eastward toward the MS Valley. A
    tremendous amount of upper diffluence will cause a surface low
    to develop and rapidly deepen as it tracks from the lee of the
    Rockies, across the Central Plains and central Great Lakes. A
    secondary wave of low pressure develops near the northern Gulf
    Coast, and is scooped up by the larger low to the north. As the
    entire complex pushes east, very strong WAA advection and an
    associated strong cold front are likely to bring significant
    impacts to our area. Temperatures ahead of this system shoot up
    to the 50s to low 60s east of I-81, although temperatures will
    likely follow a nondiurnal curve.
    Wintry Mix: A residual cold air mass ahead of this system will
    likely result in a wintry mix of snow and freezing rain for areas
    west of US-15 Tuesday morning. Some snow accumulation and ice
    accretion are possible, especially in the higher elevations
    along and west of the Blue Ridge. However, it`s possible some of
    the valleys stay cold enough for some accumulation as well. The
    strong synoptic forcing is going to help produce a quick burst
    of wintry precip, then strong WAA quickly transitions all p-
    type to rain by, although it may take until the afternoon in the
    typical cold pocket near the Allegheny Front around Cumberland.
    It`s possible these areas see higher end advisory amounts of
    ice and/or snow as a sizeable amount of QPF may fall before
    temperatures rise above freezing.
    Heavy Rain: A period of moderate to heavy rain is likely to
    overspread the area Tuesday afternoon and evening, with the heaviest
    rain along and east of the Blue Ridge. However, there will be
    added response from any remaining snowpack in western areas. Widespread
    rain amounts of 1.5-2.5 inches are currently forecast, though
    given the strong moisture flux, deep moist airmass, and strong
    diffluence, those totals could certainly end up higher. A
    heavier band of elevated convection Tuesday evening will likely
    result in the highest rain rates. This heavy rainfall could lead
    to urban, small stream, and river flooding.
    Strong Winds: There are several periods/areas of concern for
    strong winds. The first is earlier Tuesday into the daytime
    hours with strong southeast flow overtop of the residual cold
    pool. This looks to mainly be a downsloping issue west of the
    Eastern Continental Divide. However, some areas from western
    Garrett southward down the divide may need Wind Advisories for
    this period. Then toward evening, an exceptional low level jet
    (60+ knots or 5 sigma at 925 mb) will expand north along the
    coast. This is incredibly tricky as steady rainfall and warm air
    over the cool marine waters will likely result in a notable
    near-surface stable layer. Most model wind gust output is likely
    well overdone, although MOS guidance sustained winds of 15-25 kt
    could not be taking into account the anomalous nature of the
    event. With that said, winds could very well approach Wind
    Advisory levels for a time Tuesday evening before quickly
    subsiding overnight. The Blue Ridge could also be near advisory
    levels. This could lead to some sporadic wind damage,
    particularly with trees in increasingly saturated soils. The
    third period of stronger winds will come Wednesday (see long
    term section below).
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