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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Watching McMillions on HBO. I had no idea about the fraud!
  2. I thought I'd enjoy working from home but I hate it -- Zoom meetings all day long....stuck in front of a computer all day. 70+ hours last week and approaching 65 this week. I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait to go back into the office...
  3. nj2va

    COVID-19 Talk

    So sorry to read this and I can only imagine how difficult it is for you. I will keep you in my prayers.
  4. 2001 final four on cbssn...don't want if you're a md fan
  5. nj2va

    COVID-19 Talk

    I'm running out of wine....send help.
  6. Did stories like this (which were numerous in the media) in early February after the US quarantine of China travel help? Perhaps it further caused people to think the virus was overblown and that any type of quarantine is silly? The WHO’s response was a joke as they were trying to protect China. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/02/04/coronavirus-quaratine-travel-110750
  7. How anyone can trust anything coming from China is beyond me. also notice they are now trying to appear as “heroes” sending a bunch of stuff to western countries while flooding the internet with propaganda. China is a threat to democracy and human rights, plain and simple.
  8. I completely support the Diocese call to stop all masses a few weeks ago but I'm disappointed I won't be able to attend live mass for Palm Sunday this weekend & Easter Sunday the following weekend -- its the holiest time of the year for Christians and I always look forward to the music and rejoice at Easter Sunday mass. I do find myself spending more time on Sundays reflecting and praying for our nation while I set aside time to watch the livestream of mass on my iPad.
  9. This weather sucks. More clouds and chilly temps.
  10. Did VA exempt liquor stores from the closures? I sure hope so.
  11. He makes a good pillow. And I saw a headline that he’s turning his factory to make 50,000 face masks/day? I like that.
  12. Gorgeous today. Took a break from work to eat lunch on my backyard patio. We need everyday to be like this during the COVID lockdowns.
  13. What a fu&king beautiful afternoon. Full sun and up to 69.
  14. Sun’s poking out here!
  15. Much brighter here than earlier. Feels like the sun is about to pop out.
  16. I’m back in Arlington. Seems likely the warm front will win out here this afternoon thankfully. Currently 55 and cloudy.
  17. Hard pass on that crap. Sun and 70 please.
  18. Balmy 74 in Deep Creek.
  19. Woke up to snow here (yuck). Coating on the cars, deck, and grass.
  20. People think they are invincible. Oh and people are stupid as fck.
  21. High of 68 in deep creek which is very impressive this time of year. Down to 55 with a NNW wind.
  22. We escaped to Deep Creek for at least two weeks (since my Firm ordered everyone to work remote) to get away from civilization. March in Deep Creek is just about the worst month here though unfortunately...cloudy/chilly/rainy 9 times out of 10. Hoping for anomalous warmth ASAP.
  23. It’s such a bad response by him and completely confusing. Just go all in like other states are doing.
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