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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. 75/62 under full sun here. We've definitely lucked out for this time of year in McHenry. Lows this weekend are in the low 40s as part of the cool shot.
  2. 73 and sunny. Perfect day at the lake
  3. I love snow just as much as the next guy but that looks miserable for late May. It reminds me why I couldn’t live in northern New England or the mountains out west.
  4. 63 and cloudy with an eerie Stephen King fog rolling in. Good weather to landscape in front of the new shed.
  5. 71/58 here with a nice breeze out of the NW under partly cloudy skies. Planted flowers, put down mulch, and got a lot of outdoor spring work done. Crazy to think we got almost 2” of snow 2 weeks ago.
  6. Absolutely pouring here. ETA: T&L too
  7. Currently 67 and partly sunny. 0.53 on the day which mostly fell this morning and 3.2” for the month in Deep Creek. Sitting out on the deck listening to the birds and enjoying a cocktail. Happy Friday y’all.
  8. Just got to Deep Creek. 52 with light rain. Trees only about 50% leafed out. Monday looks great here to hang out on the deck and go for a hike — low 70s and partly cloudy.
  9. Wow, will say a prayer for her. Amazing to hear how active she is right after the surgery. Hopefully she has a fast recovery.
  10. this cutoff low can go f itself.
  11. Unreal how stuck we are in perpetual drab weather...oh look, more low 60s and muck! Next week is looking better for now — but I’m sure some kind of ULL will show up on models and screw things up.
  12. That’s an amazing view. Fall should be spectacular. My partner is from NH so I always enjoy getting up there and ME especially in the summer and fall.
  13. Another cool, cloudy, and windy (YAY!) day. Welcome to the perpetual March. Had an hour of the faintest hint of sun around noon.
  14. Yeah, they also cited the lack of lifeguards since they normally use Eastern Europeans for the summer. I find it hard to believe there aren’t college students home for summer or others in the local communities who are certified lifeguards but who knows. Yeah, tennis courts are open (pretty sure they require you to reserve a time especially for the more popular courts like the 3 courts next to the main office/Abingdon school).
  15. The issue with continued overcast days in the low/mid 60s is that its another week that goes by where we aren't getting normal temps in the mid 70s for this time of year. We'll just flip the switch right to 90 instead of enjoying a few weeks of 75 degree temps.
  16. That was my first question, too. I'm sure unlikely but hopefully it means they're able to maintain the same fees for next year vs the usual small increases that happen annually.
  17. We live in the Fairlington neighborhood in Arlington and the HOA just announced that the pools (there are 6 in our community) will not be in open due to COVID. WTF.
  18. I'd be okay with the sun returning.
  19. Nice breeze this evening while sitting out on the patio - needed to put a light sweatshirt on. Sunday evening cocktail is fresh basil muddled with gin & shaken with simple syrup and lemon juice - topped with club soda. Refreshing spring cocktail!
  20. Looks great. Online recipe?
  21. 74/53. Perfect evening for cocktails on the patio. Gotta enjoy it before it’s 57 on Wednesday.
  22. 10/10 today. Way better than 62 and cloudy.
  23. Margarita on the patio kind of afternoon. Cheers to Friday y’all.
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