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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. 0.07" for the day. Partly cloudy and a beautiful 74 degrees. It's gotten breezy the last few hours.
  2. Geography was never my strong suit.
  3. I don’t know, it looks like it’s heading due East to Spain the last few frames
  4. Before Kuzy’s SO attempt, I said to myself “he’ll try something stupid and not even get a shot off” - he’s such an idiot sometimes with his fancy stuff. At least attempt a shot!
  5. Seems like the storm cancel mood is here.
  6. What a turnaround the last two minutes!
  7. Get that sprinkler going!
  8. Caps game tomorrow. Get ready @nw baltimore wx @Scraff @Chris78
  9. McHenry...we’ve been spending most of the summer here since I’m able to work remotely. This is the busiest I’ve seen Deep Creek...I’m sure with COVID, its caused people to look for vacations that are driveable vs flying somewhere.
  10. 75 and partly cloudy, with a perfect breeze (gusting to 20). 20 degrees cooler than back home.
  11. Yep, not ready for fall yet.
  12. ^^they look brand new!
  13. Mod to heavy rain started about 15 minutes ago here. Euro has over 3” by Sunday night. Not a good weekend to be on the lake I guess.
  14. So excited! I hope Carlson is ok. Great seeing Ovi score twice
  15. How long are you here for? It's been a great July here. Morning low was 58 and currently 82...can't get much better than that.
  16. 0.3” for the day, 2.7” for the week. Currently 69 degrees and just got in from s’mores by the fire pit with my nieces/nephews. Such a great night!
  17. Pouring. 0.7” on the day. Storms at home looked legit—what a good week of storms!
  18. The impact on inner cities, low income areas, and children in unstable homes is the untold story - the disparity in experience with online schooling is likely large vs the other end of the spectrum. Seems like school districts aren't being creative enough with how they can try to have in person learning.
  19. Had a storm roll through about an hour ago here - dropped a quick 0.5" with lots of T&L. Cooled it down to 68 (currently at 71).
  20. 85.4 for the high so far. 0.5 degree warmer than yesterday. Big cell earlier missed just to the north.
  21. Is this the COVID thread now?
  22. Currently 80/70 here. Low was 68 (warmest low of the month).
  23. You could visit JonJon’s brewery weekly. Had a brief sun shower earlier. Currently 81/72. Sitting on the deck enjoying a whiteclaw (#basic).
  24. 84/71 currently. Lake temperature is ideal for a swim too.
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