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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Nearest PWS around here all have 1-1.3” and it’s pouring again.
  2. Wow, this storm is crazy. The frequency of the CG lightning is unreal.
  3. Storm over Tysons just got warned for Fairfax/Alex/Arl/FC. Looks super dark to the west.
  4. Agree. I don’t live in MD nor do I have kids but I’m glad he called out the districts. I really feel for parents and the children especially in homes where parents can’t work from home.
  5. Nice to see more and more normalcy returning.
  6. Multiple warnings in western MD (too bad I'm home in Arlington....) and WV.
  7. I do hope western MD gets remnants from the tropical systems given the drier conditions there of late. Drought monitor has western Garrett County in the Abnormally Dry category with Moderate Drought conditions just over the border in PA & WV. Garrett/Allegany/Washington counties could use the rain.
  8. So happy to see Reirden let go by the Caps. He was never the right coach for us.
  9. You now live in NC and you’re an Islanders fan? Time to find your sub forum.
  10. I hope they get swept so they fire Reirden 2 mins after game 4 ends. What a disaster he is. the fact they couldn’t clear the puck which caused the 4th goal is the perfect symbol of their recent play. No tenacity.
  11. Great to see Ovi with a goal!
  12. Time for the Caps to turn their play around. Play like the 3rd period and we have 0 chance.
  13. Lots of low rumbles of thunder and rain/occasional downpours. Feels like Kauai.
  14. That was crazy and it’s not even the longest playoff game!
  15. When public school leaders continually fail parents and students, not sure what else these districts expect. The children in homes who either 1) can’t afford tutors/etc or 2) have parents who can’t work from home or 3) aren’t in stable homes where parents give a F about education are the real losers of these 100% virtual decisions. It seems FCPS spends more time writing letters/memos to parents than actually coming up with solutions that work for students...
  16. Here's one of the cams in Chicago to watch as the line approaches: https://www.earthcam.com/usa/illinois/chicago/field/?cam=fieldmuseum
  17. I'm happy you are safe....the pictures are out of this world.
  18. I've got the Chicago EarthCam site up as the line approaches the city. Hope everyone in the Midwest is safe...pretty scary situation.
  19. 65/64 with a beautiful sunset. Earlier storm dropped 0.26”. And even better, tomorrow is FRIDAY!
  20. Playing like utter, complete trash. It’ll be a first round exit via sweep if they play like this in the “real” playoffs.
  21. +1. It's one of my favorite things to do in any season here -- it's been packed this summer with swimmers. I love going there in winter to see the falls frozen -- highly recommend if you haven't!
  22. The big autumn festival here in Garrett County/Deep Creek is 'Autumn Glory' which last year fell over Columbus Day weekend (I think). They haven't announced dates this year on their website but I would guess it's likely the same time. I looked back at my weather station which I installed on Oct. 13, 2018 and highs that month were generally in the upper 40s/50s, with a few days near 60/low 60s. Last October was way warmer, with early October featuring a few low 80 degree days followed by upper 50s/60s around Columbus Day (and some 70s after that). So basically, yes it certainly can feature warm weather here in early/mid October. For awareness, average temps here start in the low 60s the early part of October. That's probably a long-winded way of saying that yes, Columbus Day on average should feature temps that are warm enough to do things outside (hike/boat/etc) and you could also time it with Autumn Glory where generally foliage should be at/near peak unless we have a warmer fall. But then again, warm is relative to people - so if you want to have a better chance of warmer weather, do late September. I have some family members that like to b&tch, so I try to keep them happier for my sanity but to each their own Happy to help with recommendations, etc!
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