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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Nice, are you guys doing tent, cabin, or rental?
  2. Outside chance of sub-50 low here tomorrow night.
  3. 70/69 and 0.3” so far today.
  4. Another 0.2” today and 0.43” for the week.
  5. Good, I'll go from 1" to 2".
  6. Oh totally, I know! Another sign of fall is here - goldenrods are in the early stages of blooming.
  7. There’d need to be a pretty anomalous air mass for snow in September even in the highlands. First flakes here have been in October the last two seasons although I’m sure Snowshoe and Canaan might be a few weeks earlier.
  8. Uber long range on the GFS but first 40s of the season for lows in the mountains on 9/11.
  9. The Nats are looking like a lost cause this season...even with the expanded playoffs, I can't see them getting in (although we know the story from last year). Os getting in would be nice.
  10. Riding boots, floppy hats, PSL, pumpkins for days, flannel season.... …...meanwhile it's still 80 on Oct 1.
  11. Imagine how much Caps games I could have gone to with that! Although I suppose these days, that doesn't matter
  12. Yep, I had to spend $7K to Comcast for them to run the line up the hill to our house here in Deep Creek a few years ago to get their service. Otherwise, I would have had to pay for satellite internet which is capped at 10GB/month (we'd go through that in a day hosting friends). It was "only" $7K since the houses down the street at the bottom of the hill had service. If not for that, I can't even imagine the cost. It's unacceptable that rural communities are left behind with what should be accessible to all residents at a much cheaper price (for install/etc).
  13. 0.09" so far here - underperformer.
  14. I saw that Garrett County received a state (or federal?) grant for hotspots to provide to students without adequate wifi. The issue also becomes for that student the lack of LTE coverage in some areas of the county. On a related note, how a county with something like 60 or so total cases can't return to in person learning is beyond my understanding.
  15. Rain so far has been focused on the southern part of the county but light rain just started. HRRR advertising about 0.5" after all is said and done. NAM was showing 2"+ yesterday.
  16. 59/54. Crickets/katydids singing away.
  17. Those maps will be bone dry in DJF I’m sure.
  18. it’s 69/63 here (with gusty NW winds) and I’m on my 2nd strawberry jalapeño margarita...I’ll join you virtually for that buzzed walk.
  19. Drove back out to Deep Creek this morning. Steady rain with multiple torrential downpours basically from DC to about Frederick. Sun was out in Cumberland and here too - very breezy though. A nice Saturday.
  20. Agreed. Basically a disco strobe light outside. Feels tropical too
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