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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Ideal foliage conditions. Cool, dry weather.
  2. These rainfall totals on the models tonight are crazy. Hope they’re overdone.
  3. Yeah, I think so. Clippers are fun sneaky events.
  4. Hit a high of 64 at 1130 today. Settled to 60 most of the afternoon. Looking forward to some 30s early next week for lows. Outside chance at a freeze too.
  5. Now you know what 95/east feels like in winter when the heavy bands set up over the Winchester to you corridor
  6. Can't wait for your first map where my house is in the dreaded grey section of C-1" with mixing.
  7. Already noticing color changing here (spotty/patchy) which should accelerate over the next week with lows forecasted to get into the mid 40s.
  8. Let's hope we get high QPF totals when its 30 degrees in January.
  9. I hope WMATA takes disciplinary action against that bus driver...what an idiot. 0.00" here. 76 and mostly sunny.
  10. Been a perfect weather day here. Mid 70s and sunny. Currently 70/66 under sunny skies. Sitting on the deck getting some work done.
  11. It seems like we’re due for a fluke event this winter (this is 100% unscientific but probably more accurate than those lame seasonal models/weeklies).
  12. Time sensitive but looks like a snow globe there in the first webcam. https://www.colorfulcolorado.com/web-cams/ Nice to see they'll exceed our total winter snow probably by September 9. lol
  13. I've got one from Winter Park open. Flurries there too. The obs thread here would be littered with sht/bust calls especially from that one poster called snokima or something like that.
  14. I thought this area did quite well in the January '96 blizzard? Or do I have the wrong storm?
  15. Winter automatically would get a B at least.
  16. The real way it’ll go down is we’ll get a -NAO in early November to give us the hope of a front loaded winter. Dec 1 flips to a +NAO and holds until March.
  17. I’ll go 5-15” at home and 60-80” in McHenry. Both below average.
  18. 53 for the low. Up to 66 with full sun.
  19. 57/53 here. Just got in from the fire pit. Bourbon kind of night.
  20. Have you looked into a mesh WiFi system? I had issues here at Deep Creek with dead zones in the house especially in the basement or top floor away from the router. Ever since we installed the mesh system, we’ve had no issues. And we are heavy users of the system (work from home, only stream TV, devices, etc).
  21. 48 for the low. First sub 50 low of the season.
  22. Great firepit weather. Down to 61/53
  23. 71/60 under mostly sunny skies. Happy Labor Day weekend all!
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