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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. It’s happy hour...time for a bourbon cocktail. Cheers y’all.
  2. Can we just create a Ji/DT thread for the two of them to go at it?
  3. if 18z sucks, we're able to blame it on data flow issues...
  4. Heads up - Pivotal has an alert: (11 Dec 2020) Data flow issues from NCEP this afternoon may result in delayed or missing data for their models.
  5. I'm likely heading to Deep Creek for this one -- happy to not be in the mix zone for a change.
  6. But did you see the 50/50 low?
  7. i'm worried about the back edge already
  8. @mattie g bringing the laughs to the model thread...I lol'd a few times at his posts in there.
  9. Overall, that's a great run IMO. yes cities mix/flip to rain for a time but then flip back verbatim as the coastal cranks (its the game we play along 95). A few minor adjustments would be all frozen even for 95.
  10. That's basically a textbook setup/evolution for the mid-atlantic.
  11. Someone smarter and with a better memory can probably correct me, but I feel like there's a correlation between -NAO relaxation and big mid-atlantic snowstorms.
  12. It always seems the 6z/18z runs of the EPS look worse for us than 0z/12z.
  13. I signed up for Weather Models last week and I still hate the interface as much as prior winters. It’s impossible to navigate and find maps easily. Are the Model Labs meant to be used for stuff? Although I guess on the other hand we do get 500 maps posted in the threads so I basically don’t even need it.
  14. It’s from all the pollen from the pending spring-like weather in a few weeks.
  15. Weaker primary on the GGEM and only gets it as far north as the ky/tn border. HP trending better and better too.
  16. H5 look has been slowly changing over the last few runs of the GFS. It’s trending more towards a broad positively titled trough. I’m not smart enough to comment but I think thats probably contributing to the lack of consolidation?
  17. The 2m 0c line is up in southern Canada Monday afternoon as precip is nearby on the 00z GFS.
  18. ICON is a brief frozen to rain deal for the mid-week threat. Coastal doesn’t take over until off the NJ/LI coast.
  19. Last winter saw an ice storm where about 0.5”-0.6”+ ice accreted in Garrett County..lost power for a few days.
  20. LWX Winter Threat 7 is currently at "Yellow"/Slight for west of 95 and the mountains. I don't think outside the mountains last year had anything but Green.
  21. That is basically a classic look for us. Trends today with 12z have been very good.
  22. Here’s the NA view on the 12Z GEFS leading up to next Thursday’s potential...legit -NAO and 50/50 ish low. Nice look there.
  23. Definitely a signal. Hour 168 has a LP off the coast and HP across SE Canada.
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