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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Uh oh, NA101 beating Yoda to a model PBP. Fightin’ words
  2. You are setting yourself up for disappointment if 5 days out, your bar is 16”.
  3. Canadian looks closer to a Miller A than a hybrid.
  4. Just about to say...incoming based on 108. 1037 H and snow breaking out in SW/southern VA.
  5. Ok I think I finally got the correlation between the two threats. If Monday is amped + rainier + snow + warm wet + less amped + warm snow - less amped - more amped (squared) + snowier Monday solution = better Wednesday/Thursday solution
  6. GFS seems like rain outside the mountains, perhaps a slushy accumulation under heaviest rates for the favored spots.
  7. Better confluence would have negated that (verbatim)?
  8. It had a good winter a few years ago but since, has been pretty bad with temps.
  9. RGEM is snow in the mountains; rain everywhere else.
  10. Are we rooting for an amped/north wave for Monday for a better 50/50 setup?
  11. Winchester/81/70N crowd should like the NAM.
  12. 00z NAM might finish running by Monday.
  13. I’ve missed getting reminded by PSU about every fail scenario that exists.
  14. 18z EPS cancelled the storm. Better find more shows to keep you busy.
  15. Splitting out the Monday threat for the LR to focus on the Thursday threat.
  16. Can we split the Monday vs Thursday thread? Especially if we’re hoping for the opposite on Monday for a better hit Thursday? I never got the “omg, starting a thread will ruin the threat” stuff but to to each their own.
  17. Based on the 50/50 alone, I’d agree.
  18. You steal all the snow from the 95 corridor so you should have to suffer with bad pizza.
  19. Please, Philly knows nothing about pizza (originally from north/central jersey in the NYC suburbs).
  20. No. Not worth your time...and in this setup unless that OH valley low barrels through an increasingly stronger HP, there’s no chance the mountains are almost in the mid 30s.
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