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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Canadian with the beat down for 95.
  2. Winchester could jackpot twice in a week.
  3. Crayon Canadian maps shows a 1002 LP offshore from the Delmarva with a 1036 sprawling HP. I’d think that will be good. eta: and a 957 50/50 LP
  4. Under 100 hours from start time for the far western/SW areas.
  5. There’s barely even a LP in the OH valley as this gets closer in time.
  6. Through 72, slightly better confluence looking at 500 as heights are pressing down a bit more in the NE.
  7. Sharper, more consolidated vort for Monday’s storm. Hopefully translates into a monster 50/50.
  8. Monday’s storm really blows up in the 50/50 region.
  9. You know what time it is? ICON time!
  10. -NAO with serious staying power on both the EPS and GEFS through the end of the run. That will help play traffic cop with the shortwaves.
  11. Ah, good point on the orographic enhancement...we’ve had the house for 4 years and its kind of crazy this is the first big coastal since then so I need to figure out the climo specifics there during these events. Appreciate the details. It always amazes me when its sunny and 45 in Frostburg and 28 with light snow falling all day in Garrett County. Although that’s childplay compared to your new place in Randolph - your view is unreal.
  12. Agreed, I think that area to perhaps as far west as Hancock (depending on how tucked in the coastal is) are in the sweet spot for this for highest totals. And yeah I figure I’ll have less QPF out there but will somewhat offset with better ratios.
  13. 6z EPS snowfall mean almost identical to 00z. 6” along or just west of 95 and increasing west from there to 8-9” in the WV panhandle/81/mountains (note: this is just for the Wed/Thursday event).
  14. Yeah, I think the reason the 6z gave those areas so much was due to the evolution of the 500 low...it closes off basically over the LI sound.
  15. Also to note, 6z GFS has precip breaking out for the SW parts of the forum within 100 hours.
  16. This will be the first coastal that I’ll likely be out at Deep Creek...curious if the NW shield of precip is undermodeled in intensity/coverage on a model run like the 6z GFS.
  17. Amazing what blocking and a 50/50 low can do. I almost forgot what those are like around here.
  18. That’s what I was thinking for the deform snow, too. 81 and the mountains are crushed...loving this run for Deep Creek, not gonna lie.
  19. Updated WPC odds at Day 5 now have 95 corridor in 50% contour of 0.25”+ frozen QPF. NW of 95 is 70%. Bullish for 5 days out.
  20. Thanks for responding and sounds like a great upgrade.
  21. FWIW, Canadian has been pretty consistent for 3 runs in a row (albeit trending even better for us). I’d love to see it score a coup with these high end solutions.
  22. I thought I remember Bob last year talking about how GEFS were known to just follow the OP in lock step. Anyone know how the ensembles have been performing since the upgrade?
  23. Shouldn’t you be looking for the UKMET?
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