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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I’d go with your measurement, I’m in McHenry about 5-10 minutes from Wisp. I forgot to set up a snowboard this morning so I was using the hood of my SUV, which isn’t the best since I drove up this morning. Even though we miss out on the big bands, we’ll make up for some of that with better ratios, orographic enhancement, and the upslope as the coastal pulls away.
  2. 3.25”. I haven’t been under any yellow banding but the mountains sure are squeezing every bit of liquid they can from these returns. Nice, fluffy flakes.
  3. 0.9” and another 0.1-0.15” in upslope afterwards.
  4. 2.5”...it was 90% snow and 10% ice pellets but back to all snow again. Dendrites coming back.
  5. It’s a Cisco Brewers pale ale...we went there in the summer while we spent a week in Nantucket so some family brought a case during Thanksgiving. Working through them now Ob...SN, 20 degrees, and there’s something magical about watching a fluffy dendrite float down from the sky and land in the snow. I think I have a problem
  6. Just cracked open a beer (its after noon and I’m on PTO), got a fire going, and enjoying the snow that is dumping outside.
  7. HRRR is a snowlovers dream for you. No mixing and 1.1” QPF.
  8. Wow I’m surprised...I guess it helps being at a lower elevation (relatively speaking) for this. 20 and SN here at 2,800’.
  9. 20/19 with SN. Started off light with small flakes but really starting to dump now with dendrites.
  10. Mesoscale’d https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md1852.html
  11. The good news to those east of here is that you won’t waste hours on virga . Once actual returns got over me, I went from flurries to light snow pretty quickly.
  12. A bit of a cad wedge poking down through central VA.
  13. That sounds like a lot of people here.
  14. 21/18 with flurries. Monday’s snow has compacted to about 2” OTG here.
  15. Ask @mattie g what his call is for Harrisburg, PA. I’m sure he has a prediction.
  16. Can’t wait to get out there in the morning...enjoy the storm! I’ll see you on the mountain on Thursday — I’ll be the 35 yo who sucks at skiing and is getting passed by 10 yos doing tricks on their snowboards.
  17. 21/17 in McHenry. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if some sleet mixes in with snow tomorrow afternoon in McHenry...Euro/3k are both close to doing that but verbatim stay all snow. Final call is 12-18”. Upslope snow showers could add another 1” or so Thursday/Friday. This has a good shot at being the biggest storm I’ve seen out there since we bought the house 4 years ago. I’d wager the bullseye in the mid-Atlantic is likely going to be somewhere between Frostburg and Hancock into the WV panhandle.
  18. Aren’t we doing obs in the other thread? Title reflects that.
  19. That’s a good map, might need to bump the 1” line NW closer to SE DC but nice job overall. Enjoy the storm.
  20. It’s beautiful in the snow. And so many good hiking trails to enjoy in the days after or if you cross country ski, you can do that too. Models are keying in some upslope snow showers to take on an extra inch or two Thursday/Friday.
  21. I’d stay where you are since you’ll do well too. No idea. I’m heading up there at 5a tomorrow for the storm. I’ll let you know. But they got about 5-6” from Monday’s storm.
  22. 22/19 in McHenry. and here in Arlington, enough brine to keep the roads clear from a 3 foot storm.
  23. Yeah, they need to update that. Didn’t realize how quick onset is starting to show up on recent guidance.
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