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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I hear you on this one. The Euro is taken as gospel and we’ve seen it struggle at times (this last storm as a good example). All of the models were way too wet out here...HRRR actually did the best with sniffing out lower QPF out of the all of the mesoscale/short term models.
  2. 22 with flurries. Picked up another 1.6” overnight.
  3. Welcome! Congrats on the birth of your son
  4. It’s been very fine light snow since late morning but getting bigger flakes since the sunset. LWX calling for 1-2” tonight here.
  5. Going with 10.5” total. Wisp reporting 12”.
  6. I bought skis two winters ago and we have Wisp season passes. I’ve gotten a bit better but I still suck at skiing. I also don’t enjoy it all that much..it’s just that I feel like I should like it.
  7. Funny you say that. My partner is from the Manchester area originally so we go up to NH about once a year for various things. He was just talking about wanting to eventually move/settle in the lakes region. It’d be a long ways off since our jobs are here but I’ve grown to love NH (even outside the better snow climo).
  8. A bit of a lull for 30 minutes with pixie dust but back to full on dendrite pours. Winds have shifted from the east to out of the north. 23 degrees.
  9. Pouring dendrites. Highest ratio stuff of the day.
  10. Deck pic! It reminds me of a snow globe outside - best way to describe it. Barely under returns but mountains squeezing some high ratio stuff out.
  11. Still snowing and has been at a good clip the last hour+. Haven’t measured in awhile and have been kinda lazy with this one. I’ll just check storm reports and go with the closet McHenry obs.
  12. Huge dendrites mixing in with the fine snow again.
  13. Omg, that’s terrible. I’m sorry for you and your family. I know what its like to lose a pet suddenly and its not easy. While the saying is cliche, time heals but it won’t be easy...I hope your son is okay...I’m sure that wasn’t easy for him to see. You’re in my prayers.
  14. Snowshoe definitely has better skiing (and gets more snow) but Wisp is more of a 4 season area given Deep Creek Lake. Wisp is also easier to get to which is why we decided on McHenry instead of Snowshoe. But Snowshoe definitely has more of a “snow village” feeling which I liked when we went there for my 30th a few years ago...Wisp seriously lacks that but does have stuff in the area in McHenry, Swanton, and Oakland. You really can’t go wrong with either if/when you make the jump.
  15. Had a bit of a lull/non accumulating pixie earlier. Currently 21 with very fine snow...it looks like a downpour in the deck lights.
  16. We’ll be back here between Christmas & New Years — pattern is looking drool worthy then.
  17. If that long wave pattern holds, I’d imagine there’ll be really good chances to see frozen that time period. We’ll be back here from the 26th-3rd - hoping for a good event.
  18. It’s ebbed and flowed all day. Doubt there’s a dry slot this far west of the low.
  19. Pouring snow here...not the huge sized flakes but a good medium sized (aka the Goldilocks kind i guess..not too big, not too small, just right?). 20/19 with winds out of the east. Guy just came to plow our hill and driveway...immediately covered again. ETA: Pouring has stopped but still coming down.
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