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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Will they even use their 2 timeouts?
  2. FWIW, the Quebec s/w is much further north on the 00z GFS through 96.
  3. It’s basically as worthless as the NAVGEM...
  4. 3rd quarter is like @JakkelWx’s earlier post about the rest of winter. PUNT.
  5. here’s a screenshot from the model menu. I ditched Weathermodels because I couldn’t deal with the interface and the delay in data. Pleased with Weatherbell for the most part. I haven’t tried Pivotal Plus but the + to Pivotal Plus is likely the Euro soundings that WxBell doesn’t have.
  6. Really nice opening drive by Smith right now.
  7. 100% rooting for Smith. I’m not a WFT fan because of Snyder but no way I can root against Smith...what a comeback story.
  8. I like the Titans in that matchup
  9. Wow, hit the upright and went through. Ravens at Titans next weekend.
  10. Maybe not. What a throw and catch there.
  11. After 2 weeks of PTO, today is the scariest of all Sunday scaries. And congrats Baltimore fans.
  12. Nice PNA ridge popping up on the 11th on the EPS for the threat on the 12th.
  13. Had some wet snow flakes mixing in when I passed through Frostburg this morning (basically at about the same time as you!) heading back to Arlington. A nasty drive on 68 though with the fog and rain. Mountains should get 2-4” from the Tuesday clipper.
  14. Mod to heavy snow next Tuesday morning on the 12z Euro in DC. EPS has been signaling this period for the last few days.
  15. They should cancel the WWA here and post a Dense Fog Advisory. I can hardly see the end of the driveway.
  16. Yes, 80-90% of climo snowfall for the cities in one storm is certainly just “decent”.
  17. Folks btch there’s no digital snow. They finally get it but still not happy.
  18. Hovered around 32 all evening/night last night and shot up to 46 around 3a which thankfully has melted all the ice from the trees. Currently 38. Ended up with about 0.3” of ice.
  19. Funny, I literally thought the same when I read that garbage in the main thread. I don’t understand the hysteria over digital snow.
  20. Up to 30.8 with significant icing. Hoping we get above freezing soon.
  21. IP/FRZA mix...can’t imagine its good skiing conditions on Wisp right now.
  22. This is the kind of freezing rain that accretes really well....very light in intensity. About 0.15” accretion so far. 26 degrees.
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