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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I actually don’t think there’s a huge amount of change we’d need at H5 per PSU’s comments above. I liked 0z’s evolution upstairs way better than 18z FWIW.
  2. We just can’t have nice things.
  3. Yep. Will need a little bit of ns interaction to raise heights ahead of it/pull it north but i like seeing less shredding interference so far.
  4. GFS at 5H looks different (again) at H84.
  5. Yeah, sorry I deleted my post already. I realized I was looking at the GEFS. Oops!
  6. 18z Euro gets some very light precip up to Stafford County. #flurrywatch
  7. Certainly hasn't been a torch even close in by any means. We'll score this month along/east of 95 I think.
  8. !!!!! NSFW. Looks like I need to spend the month of January working from Deep Creek...
  9. Mod+ snow DC/south...light snow north of DC at 126. HH is on.
  10. I thought GFS looked a bit like the Euro in that the vort gets sheared as it approaches. Still close enough for an OP at range IMO.
  11. Yeah I posted in the LR thread (makes more sense for this in here) that 500 closed off vs prior GFS runs. I thought based on the 48H panel, we'd see some flurries get to DC. Not out of the game for a car topper!
  12. I thought GFS was going to get flurries into DC based on H48 but then just shredded apart by the northern vort. Definitely came "norther" though. ETA: 500 also closes off this run too.
  13. Agreed. It's actually the best its looked IMO.
  14. It'll set up some good upslope at least for the mountains.
  15. People one week ago “Where’s the cold?” People in one week “where’s the precip?”
  16. I wouldn’t put any stock in the SREFs honestly.
  17. And after the close miss on the 18th, here’s Ji’s fantasy land snowstorm so he can go to sleep
  18. Verbatim GFS is more interested in NS vorts diving down as clippers next week...if one is robust enough to get moisture past the mountains, it could be a discrete threat that pops up in the short/medium range.
  19. Was it last week when there were 4 straight pages of posts complaining there’s no cold around with these stormy looks? Lol I’m with PSU in that our window will come when the blocking relaxes...15th-20th.
  20. It’s a discombobulated mess at H5. Night/day from the Euro.
  21. NAM doesn’t get precip to the VA/NC border (outside of extreme SW VA).
  22. I wish snow maps would be only posted in the digital snowfall thread, especially this far out from any threats.
  23. 18z GFS says get ready for some boring ass weather for the next 8-9 days. Bone dry.
  24. Haven’t dug into the individual members but certainly a signal on this panel for a coastal. Get that MSLP deeper and more west but since this is 7 days out, this is a good signal. and this one
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