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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. For folks who like snowfall maps, 6z GEFS is most bullish of the season (outside the lead up to the December event). 6” line is just east of Dulles.
  2. The weenie in me says GEFS caught onto the gung ho block first then the others picked up on it this week. Itshappening.
  3. GFS has energy in the SW at 180....if we could get it to eject (and of course not get shredded).
  4. At this rate, would be nice to get some snow in the Beltway, even if light.
  5. My Cousin Vinny is on Paramount network. Such a great movie.
  6. Whooooosh. And it went over my head...
  7. Yes, that’s a full on west-based/Baffin block. And its trapping a piece of the PV under the block.
  8. Euro is less bullish than GFS for upslope potential this weekend into Monday. A couple inches on the Euro vs 4-8”+ on the GFS.
  9. 6z GFS says head to Wisp or Canaan this weekend for the 3 day weekend.
  10. NAO seems to have staying power so I'm still bullish on our chances (not talking KU but keeping expectations in check on warning event) even if this exercise is frustrating AF.
  11. Delayed usually means denied around here. If we're now talking about late Jan/early Feb, we seem to just keep kicking the can down the road. I'm not saying we won't score, but its starting to feel like we just keep pushing things to the right in terms of looks that translate to actual threats.
  12. We’ll soon be adding a new chapter to the mid-Atlantic climo book. “How to go snowless in a -AO/-NAO pattern”
  13. That’s what sports are made of. Time to jump on the Browns bandwagon as a fair weather football fan.
  14. Seems like we’d be better off with the pattern in December....at least DC got some frozen with that.
  15. Really happy for the Browns and their fans. I’d love to see a Buffalo vs Cleveland AFC title game (sorry Ravens fans!)
  16. Bob Chill used to say we needed 4 or 5 threats to score once. Feels like DC is going on 16 or 17 threats at this point...with nothing to show.
  17. Trough is way more positively tilted. Won’t even be close.
  18. 1st ‘threat’ looks to be upslope for the mountains from Deep Creek down to Snowshoe beginning on Saturday. Great timing for MLK weekend for the ski resorts.
  19. @DanTheMan should be happy (so far). Isn’t he a browns fan?
  20. Wow, wow. Int. Steelers look lost.
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