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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Yeah, just noticed it now....got grauple/tiny flakes. What’s snow cover like where you are? Basically full coverage here but interestingly when I went ‘into town’/McHenry on 219, much spottier.
  2. You picked a good time to come out. You’ll see snow everyday while you’re here. Enjoy it. 34/31 with precip at the doorstep.
  3. My guess is you’ll easily have over a foot through MLK (with more following on Tuesday/Wednesday) since you do even better in upslope than here. We’re here through Wednesday night and I’m thinking I’ll see 8-10” through Wednesday but upside for higher totals. Maybe I’ll head down to the brewery one day! Although I’m sure this weekend will be crowded there. Wisp already sold out of lift tickets tomorrow/Sunday (for non season pass holders).
  4. It’ll all be worth it when you’re able to come out, relax, and watch a 12” snow fall.
  5. Nice, at your future place in WV? You picked a great weekend to come out here....snow showers everyday from upslope and the upper level system on Sunday/Monday. 6-8” through MLK day.
  6. Exactly. I just find it hard to fathom we don’t eventually score irregardless of what OP runs are showing.
  7. I was just about to say that we can't deny that we just keep punting threat windows and can't seem to get legit threats within 10 days. Delayed usually means denied around here but its hard for me to wrap my head around we don't at least get a warning event with that type of -NAO/50-50 look. If we don't score, then all bets are off the table with what it takes to get snow around here.
  8. It was gorgeous watching it in my rearview mirror as I was on 70 W heading to Deep Creek. Just got here...31 degrees and still basically have full snow cover which was surprising given the lack of fresh snow here over the last 2 weeks basically.
  9. Just wait til we’re staring down our region-wide 2’ HECS in early February and we’re able to see the pretty snow totals over us each hour.
  10. Yup. Also nice that I have Vrana on my fantasy team.
  11. HRRR also did really well (at least in Deep Creek) with the December storm. In other upslope events, has done well too this winter. I can’t comment on the long range HRRR though.
  12. That could easily be a MR adjustment that ‘sneaks’ up on us.
  13. Our top line is showing up tonight! Backstrom with a goal, Oshie with a goal, Ovi with 2 assists, and Carlson with an assist.
  14. Anyone see any data recently on SST/Nina strength? DT posted something about a month ago showing some models predicting a mod Nina vs strong...hard to predict the outcomes of that but could help us in late winter. I can't remember where he pulled that from or else I'd go try to find it.
  15. I want your job! AND GO CAPS!!! @Chris78 @ravensrule
  16. Not sure if this belongs here or in the storm thread but 3k NAM again with some snow showers/bursts across the area Saturday afternoon/night.
  17. We used to say DC is the new Richmond. we've skipped that and we're the new Atlanta.
  18. LFG. The 28th storm is looking good so far. Nice H pressing down from Canada. Solid confluence. Big area of precip over TX blossoming. Oof, looks like it'll be OTS..
  19. The 28th storm is looking good so far. Nice H pressing down from Canada. Solid confluence. Big area of precip over TX blossoming.
  20. So much blocking....so much rain. Not something I thought I'd say in one sentence.
  21. I still think Saturday (outside the mountains) could surprise some with snow TV. It's something at least.
  22. Negativity spreads like wildfire around here and things are already smoldering this morning. If early 12z runs don’t show blue, it will be a straight up dumpster fire in every single thread.
  23. Poor Ji if Isotherm is correct
  24. Few runs now that GFS has been keying into the 28/29...big ones are sniffed out early yadda yadda.
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