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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Hope this time next week, you've got a foot of fresh powder on the ground and Gus is having a blast.
  2. Was this sponsored by PNC Bank?
  3. I noticed walking the dog this morning that my daffodils in the front are just starting to poke through the ground. On January 22!!!
  4. Haven’t you btched for a month straight about seeing “blue” over your house? GGEM does it. Stop being picky.
  5. Was just about to post...nice hit on the Canadian.
  6. Southern slider on the GOOFUS. Snow into northern SC.
  7. Trees could use the water so they’re starting to bloom when its 65 on Feb 20th.
  8. ICON is ice/mix for the favored spots transitioning to some light snow on the backside. DC is all rain with maybe a few snow showers at the end.
  9. NAM picked up on the December storm trending west first (vs off the coast).
  10. I'm not sure I'd give weight to ensemble thermals at this point.
  11. Welcome! Stay away from the leesburg 004 guy from Nokesville....he's crazy
  12. Typical response when in the bullseye on D7: Wow, too bad we know it won't hold for 7 days. Typical response when not in the bullseye on D7: Wow, you know that's exactly how it'll play out.
  13. Yeah, verbatim its a icy mix (lol, we know how those go in the urban areas) to snow scenario for DC.
  14. CMC has the d7 threat. Light on blue precip but it has the storm.
  15. Is that for Monday or the Jan 28th threat?
  16. 28th system gets bumped into the Storm Threat discussion since its now Day 7.
  17. I'd take that track and roll the dice that we see all frozen out of the D7 system.
  18. Legos and hot wheels were my jam. I also played Mall Madness a lot with my sisters....."attention shoppers, there's a sale in the jewelry store"
  19. Yeah, I'd be very wary of those 10:1 snowfall maps with the ICON. It seemed rate dependent if I had to guess.
  20. Didn’t see them. heard the booms and was wondering WTF it was. Turned on the TV and saw it.
  21. I can’t remember if this is your first winter out there or not? It really is just a different world as WinterWxLuver said above...crossing into the county from Frostburg flips the switch into winter paradise. We had friends visiting this weekend who arrived Friday afternoon during the snowfall..they were amazed at the fact that it was raining in Frostburg but the second they hit the county line, immediately changed to heavy snow. This winter has been night/day vs last winter (and much closer to a normal year). Depending how February/March goes, we could hit average there (~110” in McHenry). I’m getting close to 60” on the season.
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