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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Yes euro didn’t spit out a foot of snow but I don’t think it was as bad as the reaction. It just needed to be a bit more amped and the solution would have been better. That’s not a huge adjustment to make in the MR.
  2. 3-4” verbatim for DC (north to south). Highest in 2 years. ETA: Richmond over a foot.
  3. Para keeps the heaviest stuff south but has snow up into the area. Central VA does very well.
  4. I’m pretty sure its verification scores are below GFS this winter.
  5. Quite the signal considering this is a 24 hour total on an ensemble given some timing differences, etc.
  6. GGEM looks great. Considering DC hasn’t seen more than an 1” of snow in over 2 years, not sure how anyone can scoff at the GGEM solution showing 7-10” (except Ji).
  7. Get that negative tilt a bit sooner and boom even more?
  8. We don’t want to hear why that whacky azz GFS solution is wrong. We just want to hear how we can get 20” of snow!
  9. A sign that we get this solution and today is the anniversary of the Jan 16 blizzard?
  10. It eventually deepens to 974 well off the coast. Hurricane warnings offshore? Lol
  11. Winchester bullseye on that one. @clskinsfan pummeled
  12. Yep, worried about Wilson. Hope he’s fine. He’s been HUGE so far this season.
  13. Some pretty deep lows east of ORF on the 18z EPS.
  14. It looks like the ULL in Canada is lifting NE as the run progresses (through 114 so far)
  15. Apparently our area averages 95” a year...10” storms? Meh.
  16. Euro has lost storms in the MR in the past to only bring them back with a vengeance. Let’s hope that happens again!
  17. It's the one after the one after the one after the one after the one.
  18. We're getting ready to put our place on the market and if not for Deep Creek, I'd be adamant that we're moving to Hillsboro/etc west of Leesburg. The neighborhood my partner wants to move to is east of the fall line. Marginal events FTL!
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