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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Get your decoders out for the GGEM! 978 well offshore VA beach. I’d think its a hit.
  2. GFS still wants no part in any type of front end snow thump. I’d side with the Euro/NAM thermals at this range though IMO.
  3. 27 in Arlington. 12/6 on the weather station in deep creek.
  4. Almost 4” on the 3k? I’ll take the under here.
  5. Wow, it actually even trended a touch better than 12z with the thump in MBY. Also, noticeably thumpier in the western part of NOVA.
  6. I think PSU’s enter key is broken
  7. Great if you live in northern Canada!
  8. Verbatim, surface is roasting in DC on the GFS so rain. I’m not really buying it but who knows
  9. Definitely cold out there. But I had to crack open the sunroof in the car today while driving....sun angle made the car feel warm.
  10. Now we just need Ji and Osfan to come in here and say they’re not interested in a light event - as if we live in Bangor, ME and don’t blink as less than a foot.
  11. Took a few steps to the GFS. Obviously not as wound up near the coast but a nice middle ground on this run.
  12. I don’t know, Euro is looking better to me. Snowing in DC Thursday AM.
  13. Euro gives MBY almost 2.5” of snow on the Kuchera maps....cut that in half and that’s still more than I was expecting here.
  14. Lol. 993 south of VA beach, 540 thickness over the NN, and GFS has rain over DC.
  15. ULL is further south....lower heights out front through 90.
  16. Good catch, yep the placement of that feature looks to be key. GFS handling it totally differently.
  17. ICON is a weak POS wave that just slides off the coast. Some very light (less than an inch) snow to CVA.
  18. I was about to say the same thing. I can already see their map. 20% chance of 1”, 20% chance of 3”, 20% chance of trace, 20% chance of 6”, 20% chance of 12”. “We nailed the storm!”
  19. Not that I think Deep Creek will see 1.5” of ice accretion but even half of that is a huge deal. Geez.
  20. I wonder if this trends into your Nina beach blizzard?
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