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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Took a walk across the lake. I’m not brave enough to take a snowmobile out on it though ha.
  2. Had another coating of ice overnight. Got a nice crunch on the snowpack. Trees are beautiful.
  3. 18 with some occasional freezing drizzle but otherwise just cloudy. Got a fresh coating of snow overnight. Looks pretty legit for many in the forum.
  4. Sunset a week from tomorrow is 6p in Deep Creek.
  5. I wondered the same thing...I really hope not. The dude would track a pellet of sleet in May!
  6. Our Scottie is pleased with the path dug on the deck for her. Bougie pup.
  7. Ehh, I’m highly skeptical of the Euro these days. Let’s see what King NAM says...
  8. 21 with freezing drizzle. Lake is completely frozen...saw a few snow mobiles driving across the lake and a handful of ice fishers. Here’s a picture from 219 looking towards Wisp.
  9. No doubt. I'm not smart with this sht but I'd be curious if it struggles with Ninas in general? It really hasn't been the superstar we've been used to.
  10. 22" OTG here. Mt PSU say what?
  11. Light snow with about 0.2” new overnight. Average depth is 22”; hoping we get some freezing rain to glaciarize the f out of this. Proverbial deck pic. Time to go dig a path for the pup.
  12. Haha, glad y’all are cashing in tonight in all seriousness. Enjoy it !
  13. I hear it’s going to change to rain within the hour.
  14. If you weren’t a fan of Philly teams, I’d be happy for you.
  15. Nice man. And keep posting. We’d be doing the same thing as you if it was snowing furiously at our places but not other spots.
  16. Sounds like you have a map of similar named places hanging up in your house.
  17. Not surprised. That’s been the trend all winter in DC. We basically need to be near 0 on the models 48 hours out to have a chance in the city since we know models will correct higher. I say that tongue in cheek but you can’t deny that modeled cold hasn’t verified in dc.
  18. Just got to Deep Creek. Measured 15-26” OTG in various spots. It was pretty amazing driving on 270 and seeing the coating (barely) at the spur to legit winter wonderland a few miles north.
  19. The story of the winter has been the boundary/surface temps in DC. Even a few days ago, we were supposed to be in the 20s with snow falling. I'm still at 33 degrees with white rain. I'd be skeptical of the upcoming "historic ice storm" since I would lean towards another bust on temps. DC should easily be at climo by now with the events we've had -- the temps just have been terrible.
  20. Got some flakes here which I can report as another HVAC topper on the patio! Otherwise, full on mud. Glad C MD cashed in at least.
  21. Wisp reporting 6" overnight for a 90" total on the season so far. Light snow on the cameras right now. @mdhokie how'd you do?
  22. Moderate rain. Hope all the Central MD folks are enjoying the snow! Keep the pics coming.
  23. Nice! Can’t wait to get out there and see winter again. Enjoy the snow tonight!
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