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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Sheary with a goal against the Penguins.....nice!
  2. And its not like its a 1022 high thats weak AF.
  3. NW folks...it’s okay. We can be ok with less QPF because we will score with orographic lift, banding, and better ratios. Oh and the top of the hill adds another 3” in every storm. Did I say we’d be okay? I meant me.
  4. I’m good with 1-2” of snow followed by a sleet bomb. Those can be fun.
  5. 0.75” QPF through 18z Thursday. Thumpity thump thump
  6. GFS is still snow through 18z Thursday in DC.
  7. Looks like Deep Creek got 0.25” of ice last night. Temp at the house rose to 33 shortly after midnight but shortly dropped afterwards. Currently 18 with snow showers.
  8. Let me know if you need links to the sign up pages for the various subscription sites. I can help you find them.
  9. It’s interesting how the GFS is basically WAA/coastal vs WAA from the primary into the OH valley then coastal transfer. It seems more of a Miller A at this point on the GFS.
  10. Pouring rain. Washing all that brine into the Bay.
  11. The freezing line runs diagonal (dotted line) from 0c...not straight up and down vertical.
  12. GFS looks another tick colder in the mid-levels. Still barely snow in DC at 66...it was sleet already at 18z.
  13. We stop talking about when one should or shouldn’t be started.
  14. You have a bad track record of thread starts in DC this winter. If we’re being superstitious, you need to stay away from the ‘start new topic’ button.
  15. We actually need a thread to talk about when its acceptable to start a thread.
  16. I never got the superstition about threads...just start it now.
  17. Garrett and Western Allegany were just upgraded to an Ice Storm Warning for a quarter inch of ice. We’re about to get on the road and head back to Arlington...hopefully bringing the snow mojo back east for Thursday.
  18. I couldn’t decide between the weenie or laughing emoji. Both apply!
  19. Para would make everyone happy, too. Basically 6-12” from north of EZF for the rest of the area. ETA: ninja’d
  20. 24 with a SN/IP mix. 90% sleet.
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