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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Yeah, LFG. I’m ready to sit outside on the patio, fire up the grill, and get to gardening.
  2. Let’s get the countdown to Spring going. Average high in DC hits 50 a week from today.
  3. About 0.8” or 0.9” of sleet. Ready for spring in DC.
  4. Sun poking through here.
  5. Full on spring tracking mode for me now. Give me 50s-60s & sunny showing up on guidance.
  6. Not in the grey zone! Woot woot
  7. I actually find the warning texts helpful to be copied and pasted in storm threads. Provides a bit of a “diary” of the storm when you go back to check it out. It’s no different than someone posting a model snowfall map and it get quoted 10x. Lots of scrolling through that too. Who knew weather was this serious.
  8. 18/13 at Deep Creek with returns overhead. Nothing on the Ring cameras yet, though. 29/15 here.
  9. I knew it was a joke but I had no idea what the reference was.
  10. Para is pretty sick for DC/NoVA.
  11. So much scrolling through the same map.
  12. 1” of precip as sleet would be fun. Again, better than 35 degree white rain.
  13. HRRR has a band of freezing rain push through the cities overnight Thursday into Friday (@WinterWxLuvr)
  14. It’s a great run. We look to stay all/mostly snow through 1p.
  15. I love how its not 0.1” QPF over 6 hours either...looks to come in hot and heavy. It’ll be a fun morning. Good luck out there...you’re in a good spot.
  16. 23z HRRR has precip getting to DC between 4-5a. Here’s the sounding at 8a which is super close...and check out the lift in the DGZ! Sleet line looks to dissect/bounce around DC mid morning. Should be a fun few hours.
  17. 31/16. Feels weird to be below freezing inside the Beltway before a storm this year.
  18. I’m fasting for Ash Wednesday — so you’re getting sober Tim. Way less fun. Now get off my lawn!
  19. are you talking to yourself again?
  20. 35/15. Mostly sunny. Happy that its not 52 leading into the storm.
  21. Yep, that’s where I’m at. A few inches of snow and sleet on top. Sounds fun.
  22. Just a whole different world out there compared to here. Enjoy the storm! Glad to see Deep Creek should finish the year above average...should only take one more event after this.
  23. Yeah, I made a 1-3” snow/sleet call to friends for Arlington/DC with light glaze of ice on top. I wanted to go higher but taking seasonal trends into account. I’m excited for the storm unless it turns into 35 and white rain for 8 hours (which seems highly unlikely :)).
  24. Give me some Paul Kocin at his desk explaining a big storm and I’m all set! Great memories from the 90s.
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