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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I’ll take the point and playoff clinch since we had no Ovi or Carlson. Felt like a playoff game but too many turnovers for my liking.
  2. Welcome to the mid Atlantic! It’ll be in the 40s Friday night/Saturday morning.
  3. They’ve been playing a great game tonight...let’s keep up the pressure in the 3rd!
  4. The summer is wild...hard to keep my nieces and nephews within sight!
  5. We skip from days and days of 58-62 straight to 85.
  6. One of my favorite places at Deep Creek. Check out the 'rock maze' about 5 minutes from there...truly a really neat experience. It makes you feel you're in the jungle.
  7. I'm looking forward to the AN temperatures. Average high at DCA is now 71 so we'll be pulling +10 to +15 these next few days.
  8. We’re moving on Friday so I’m hoping for dry weather (or the rain holds off until the afternoon when the movers should be done). GFS doesn’t give me much hope there though.
  9. I like their level of play as we end the season. Also I like the toughness of their schedule here...getting them playoff ready.
  10. I've always wondered what that is! It's literally tumbleweeds everywhere and they keep getting stuck to our Scottish Terrier's underside/fur since she's the traditional Scottie look. So I'm constantly picking them up off the floor inside when they fall off her.
  11. Just stellar weather today.
  12. 37 for the low. Up to 50.
  13. Normal temps return tomorrow. Maybe a chance at 90 next week?
  14. I hear the PA forum cares about the Penguins.
  15. Yep. But HUGE 2 points for the good guys.
  16. Brrrrr, its cold outside...feels like...................winter. I wonder if @WxUSAF agrees?
  17. Looks like 80s in store next week.
  18. Concur. Tonight will be cold.
  19. Coating on the deck, grass, etc at the house. Light snow falling.
  20. Yep same at the house & Wisp - coating on the ground. Gotta love spring in the mountains.
  21. Weather station showing 33 at Deep Creek with a stiff NW wind. Front pushed through around 5:30a there.
  22. If it was me there and I just read this, I’d be sleeping in my car tonight.
  23. We have a few friends and family members who are also choosing not to get the vaccine (at least not yet). While I’m fully vaccinated and my partner is getting his first this week, I’m not one to judge or question someone’s decision not to get it. It’s your personal choice and I think we’d all be better off respecting each other whether you agree or disagree with their choice. Thanks for sharing your perspectives.
  24. I wonder what this week's cold snap Wed night/Thursday morning does to the emergence. If anything, would just be a short delay I'd assume.
  25. Another Mar-pril kind of day. Meh.
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