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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. They recalled Fucale today from Hershey....maybe him.
  2. These hockey playoff games have been awesome this weekend. Tonight’s FL/TB game was really great...back and forth all night...lots of physical play...can’t ask for more. Let’s go caps! Would love to go up 2-0 after tomorrow’s game 2.
  3. Hearing some thunder. Looks a few popcorn storms just west of here.
  4. Got my vegetable garden planted yesterday. Did a raised cedar bed and planted green beans, cherry tomatoes, peppers (red, green, jalapeño), and cucumber. First year with one so want to test it out and hone my skills. @mattie g - I was thinking of trying onions but don’t know if the raised bed is deep enough. What’s your setup?
  5. Big time win last night by the Caps. I loved seeing their stick work defense (Orlov in particular was great). Since we’re all talking masks, it felt liberating not wearing my mask this morning at the grocery store. I personally don’t like masks as I find them uncomfortable but will comply with a business’ rules of course - and if you want to wear a mask even if not required, obviously no issue with me. But the virtue signaling about masks is out of control. It’s become a badge of honor to show you “believe in science!!!!!”.
  6. OMG thank you, I’m sharing this with a few friends of mine. It will scare the crap out of them.
  7. So pretty. Is that a photo from today? Our front/side has a ton of azaleas (as does our neighborhood) but they’re well past bloom by now.
  8. Did you get lost on the way to the PA forum?
  9. Same in VA, starting midnight tonight. Walmart already announced no masks in stores if vaxxed. bye bye mask.
  10. Get ready for this thread to be taken over by C-A-P-S CAPS CAPS CAPS talk starting tomorrow.
  11. Goodbye mask!! So happy.
  12. Weather station showing low at Deep Creek was 'only' 37...7 degrees warmer than forecast.
  13. Can I make gas out of cicadas? Can’t find any gas around here so let’s put these bugs to use.
  14. Yes yes yes! Can’t wait til the mask mandate is lifted too. Hopefully soon in both VA and MD.
  15. Got down to 31.8 at Deep Creek...brrrr. Should be the last freeze of the season there (hopefully).
  16. I’d be ok if social media just went away.
  17. I can’t like this post enough! Goldilocks approves.
  18. No but I’m hoping for some luck as the week goes on. With the increased capacity, I’d assume some will show up. I’ll keep you posted.
  19. This is the kind of May weather I've been waiting for!
  20. It’ll be a great series. I’m going to try to get tickets to game 1 Saturday.
  21. Are you watching the Isles/Bruins game on NBCSN? Definite playoff intensity. I think I’d rather play NYI. If Boston forces OT (or wins in regulation), we are playing the Bruins in the first round.
  22. Yeah, I was happy to see Ovi a full practice participant. I hope Oshie is ok....he's a huge player in our PP (and just all around great for the locker room).
  23. Shhh, let me have my moment without thinking rationally about where we stand with injuries.
  24. Woot, woot! Capital One Arena increasing to 25% capacity this week and 100% capacity beginning on June 10.....YES!!
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