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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I love seeing “heat lightning” in the summer. Always a favorite of mine to sit on the back patio and see the storms way out in the distance.
  2. This storm had to dump at least an inch of rain in 15-20 minutes; it was a deluge. Side street is a river. NWS just posted a flood warning for DC/Alexandria/Falls Church/Arlington/Eastern FFX counties in NoVA.
  3. Oh yeah, we’re loving every minute of it! Have a great time there, hope you packed your boots and cowboy hat! 66 and partly sunny after a low of 56. Happy 4th y’all!
  4. 57 and partly sunny in Deep Creek - a bit chilly but good to get some yard work done to get the house ready for the 4th. We’re hosting my family for the holiday (through next Thursday), including 5 kids under the age of 10. Thank God for booze.
  5. Worst of it stayed just north of our house. Fine by me!
  6. Tornado warning here. Yikes
  7. Those two quarterfinal games yesterday were epic - so happy for the Swiss with that hard fought comeback after missing the PK in the 1st half (and France turning right around and tying it). England/Germany today!
  8. Dang whippersnappers!
  9. It’s time to ban these loud mufflers that people put on their cars and race them through side streets. It’s like WTF are you doing with your tiny Corolla or Civic having huge exhaust pipes. They are so obnoxious and seem to be getting worse and worse especially with the side street racing.
  10. ^^^ I loved Max's reaction to that @WxWatcher007
  11. Gorgeous morning! Sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee before I start the day, listening to the birds.
  12. Let me guess.....they were all MD drivers
  13. Oops, I do this if its super torrential rain, especially on 68 heading to Deep Creek where its a bunch of semi trailers, curves, and hills....except I'm in the right lane doing it.
  14. Wow! Got down to 41 at Deep Creek yesterday morning but nowhere close to that!
  15. That’s what I was thinking too. Gonna be a long season out there unfortunately
  16. Your bog says stay viligant!
  17. I'll take a month of no rain please.
  18. Just absolutely pouring. Frequent T&L. My poor garden.
  19. 76 with partly cloudy skies here in McHenry. Pretty perfect day to be on the lake. got a bunch of landscaping, etc done this morning too. Lots of my perennials just don’t like to come back here…I guess it’s the rocky soil.
  20. Good looking plant. This is the first year for me having a vegetable garden and I’m shocked by the rapid growth of the cucumber plant. I put one of those plastic ‘box’ trellis around it that you can add height to over time. I have almost 5 feet of trellis around it and it’s up to the top already. It basically grows like a weed, its crazy.
  21. It was between 60-61 all day today with some drizzle and areas of fog. Not humid though. Tomorrow looks like a stunner! Heading on the lake for sure.
  22. Less than 0.5” here at Deep Creek. Almost 4” at home. Great map, thanks for sharing — bookmarking.
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