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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Early preview of the winter’s LR:
  2. Yuck. My sister in northern Burlington County (NJ) has been inundated with them - she said they basically seemingly came out of 'nowhere' after never noticing them. They killed one of her trees in her front yard. I'm sure they will be all over DC/NOVA by next summer.
  3. Might as well start a thread to track the extended range as we head into the latter part of September. First freeze for the mountains (technically Canaan already hit it) should be coming into guidance soon. Meanwhile, DCA won't hit freezing until January probably.
  4. September is still summer around here. #fallfeels don’t happen until October.
  5. nj2va

    Winter 2021-22

    Just got back home after a great weekend there. Night/day weather wise vs home. Definitely noticed the first hints of color but still overwhelmingly green.
  6. 48 for the low at Deep Creek. A beautiful morning here!
  7. nj2va

    Winter 2021-22

    Yep, totally agree with you. The favorable Atlantic kept our chances alive in spite of a hostile PAC. Even if the pac was neutral last year, it would have been a much more memorable winter around here. It seems like we should root for a favorable pac and hope the Atlantic side is ok.
  8. nj2va

    Winter 2021-22

    This makes my head hurt. For all the x+y=z correlation stuff for snow in the DC area, we showed last year that a -NAO/-AO for sustained periods of time didn’t result in blockbuster snow totals (or even average along the coastal plain). Just me personally, but I’ll pass on 50 years of data/studies/correlations and just let the weather do its thing.
  9. That sucks. I hadn’t realized they were rampant already in Frederick county.
  10. Only a matter of time before they're invading the DC area
  11. Ugh, I'm not on Facebook so I can't watch it. The picture alone looks scary enough.
  12. Attack of the giant killer bees at Canaan! As large as the chair lift.
  13. Wow! Is that early for Canaan? I need to go back to the last five years of having a place at Deep Creek to see the average first freeze on the weather station data but I'd guess its probably early October there.
  14. I figured he’d already have his first coating of snow by now.
  15. Got down to 43 in Deep Creek. 58 here at home.
  16. I had to take another swig of my coffee and rub my eyes - couldn’t believe a positive observation from you! Agree with you…feels awesome outside. 63 currently. Got down to 48 at Deep Creek.
  17. I thought the same thing - a wee bit of a chill when I just let the dog out
  18. My parents just landed in PHL airport safely thankfully. And my family in SNJ are all safe. The pictures from NJ are heartbreaking. It’s something out of the plains. I’m glad we didn’t see that here.
  19. And a Caps Stanley cup. LFG.
  20. Noticed the first frost advisories on the NWS homepage out west. Fall and stuff.
  21. Storm just offshore Northern OBX. Hope y’all are having a good week.
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