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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. What a start to the season!
  2. We’re spending the week in ME/NH, currently in Camden, ME. Heading to the NH lake region tomorrow through Monday. New England is spectacular…definitely need to retire here in 30 years.
  3. One of the best things about upslope is when it’ll be non-accumulating snow for 24 hours after the “real” snow ends…it just never seems to want to stop and adds a nice element to being outside in it.
  4. I am not a fan of these earlier sunsets.
  5. Best post of the thread so far
  6. AC back on after a few days off.
  7. We’re spending a week in New England the week of Columbus Day…hopefully that wet pattern is gone.
  8. A beautiful start to October, the first month of actual fall in the mid Atlantic.
  9. I’d be ok with that. It’d be 60s to 70 in October which sounds good to me.
  10. We’ve got the AC running as we like it cold at night to sleep….I hate sweating while I’m sleeping…yuck.
  11. Sitting out on the deck with a cup of coffee listening to the wind through the trees. 45 for the low, currently 47.
  12. Great sports day ahead with Ryders Cup and football.
  13. I had the same thought! Go USA!
  14. 44 for the low here at Deep Creek. Currently 55 under full sun - gorgeous fall day!
  15. Seemed like it nailed that (and may have been conservative).
  16. What’s worse? The SNF announcers or the Ravens start? It’s close
  17. We definitely need the rain….
  18. Don’t forget the Christmas Day high of 84 in between.
  19. GFS continues to beat the fall drum for late next week. 40/50s for lows and highs in the upper 60s/low 70s.
  20. Yeah if I was a WFT fan, I would have been dying. Fun as a neutral/rooting for WFT football fan though
  21. Shoot, I was hoping to wear my speedo for another month.
  22. Wow that storm that blew up over DC and expanded along 395/Falls Church/Fairfax County has torrential rain. Just east of it here but the thunder is loud.
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