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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Only 24 more runs of the Euro to go!
  2. Bet it looks pretty! Weather station says 27.8 at the house right now...with the winds gusting, must be downright cold.
  3. Caps just freakin’ owned the pens for 60 straight hockey minutes. What a game by the good guys!
  4. Snowing in Canaan and Deep Creek. Hopefully the start of a great winter for the mountains from Snowshoe to Deep Creek.
  5. Home in Alexandria hosting a fall cocktail party this evening but it’s 29 at deep creek with a fresh coating of snow.
  6. 4 more flurries you'll see all winter here according to the winter 'its over' thread
  7. Maybe it was just me but today was easily a 10/10 day
  8. nj2va

    Winter 2021-22

    Yeah, 19-20 was pretty terrible for Garrett county standards….think I finished somewhere in the low 60s. I’m hopeful that its a decent winter so Wisp can have another good year. We’re heading back up next weekend (I think). Hope you see some snow!
  9. Yeah, Heat Pumps are not feasible in colder locales like that...it'd probably use more energy than a 'traditional' system.
  10. Just got the propane tank topped off at Deep Creek. I checked the unit price vs this time last year….a whopping 45% increase. I’m suddenly rooting for a very mild winter.
  11. nj2va

    Winter 2021-22

    Good point, hopefully it’s another good winter out there.
  12. nj2va

    Winter 2021-22

    What are you thinking for the mountains? Last year I ended up just north of 110" so an average year. I'm thinking 60-90".
  13. I blow the leaves into piles next to the curb on the street. Alexandria will come through residential neighborhoods multiple times in November to pick up the leaves with a leaf sucking truck. Pretty convenient.
  14. Imagine if we had that look a month later? Weather this week looks fantastic btw. Could sneak a few 70s too.
  15. 35/25 with a fire going, watching the Caps with a bourbon cocktail. Life is good.
  16. Wow, 26 here at ~2800'. Impressive down there!
  17. Just got to Deep Creek. 32 under clear skies. Seems like there are a billion stars out here be the 5 I can see back at home.
  18. My P&C low is 36....with a freeze warning!
  19. I’m happy the Astros lost. Can’t root for that team given the trash can stuff.
  20. 30 at Deep Creek. First freeze.
  21. First flakes of the year at Deep Creek on the Ring cameras (not sticking).
  22. 49 here. Gotta say, I don’t mind the crisp air.
  23. P&C has the first freeze tonight at Deep Creek and 50% chance of snow showers overnight.
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