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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Yep, for sure. And to your earlier point, with the majority of talk this AM about can kicking, I’d take a gamble with that look any day over the pattern we are dealing with now.
  2. 27 and frosty. Merry early Christmas!
  3. Something tells me that in that setup, we aren’t talking about tracking something from 10 days out. If we can stay on the right side of the boundary, it’s more likely we’d have legit threat show up within 5 days IMO.
  4. Yep, was just looking at that too. You can see the progression the last week of December where the -EPO shifts east to push the W trough east (and the -EPO reloads)...and we have a broad CONUS trough with a -AO/-NAO. + precip anomalies in the TN valley/mid-atlantic with BN temps...can't ask for much better than that at this point.
  5. Ice storm Can you share the features at 500 that favor an ice storm in this setup? Would like to know what to look for.
  6. We needed a new thread badly - time for some new mojo. The persistence of the -PNA is quite something on the 6z GEFS. But on the plus side, ridging in the NAO/AO domains continues into early January with low heights rotating through the 50/50 region quite consistently. As the -EPO shifts east some, it pushes the WC trough which helps to mute the SE ridge. You’d think there’d be some chances with this look.
  7. It’s been a terrible start to winter for the ski resorts so happy to see snow making conditions back. Wisp and Canaan making snow too on the cams.
  8. As dumb as this product is, I love the fact that DC has more snow on that clown map than NYC. It’d be mass weenie suicide in the NYC forum if that happens.
  9. Happy anniversary weenies! https://projects.ncsu.edu/atmos_collaboration/nwsfo/storage/cases/20091218/
  10. Light rain the last hour. Sadly the scene doesn’t look like @snowfan
  11. To my weenie uneducated eyes it also looks like we’re being helped there by the -EPO ridge shifting East pushing the western trough to the east, creating a broad CONUS trough (and the SE ridge gets shunted). Someone way more smarter than me could probably correct everything I just fooked up.
  12. I’m sure I’ll get flamed for saying this but I don’t get the game cancellations/postponements/etc. If the NHL/NBA/NFL are all 95-100% vaccinated, why do they need to bench players who are positive? If anything this shows we’ll be living with COVID forever (and 100% vaccination doesn’t end this) - so it seems like we should learn how to live with it instead of continuing to cancel/postpone/etc.
  13. Yeah, with a massive -NAO that its showing, I'd be surprised if things are cutting like that. Also looks like GFS and Euro both showing a -EPO developing (if I know how to read a 500 map correctly).
  14. Rule 3634: It takes models a few cycles to see blocking and push the LPs under us. But…. Rule 3635: It takes models a few more cycles to see the real blocking and push the LPs to Cuba.
  15. Amazing what one model run can do to the LR thread mood.
  16. Time to take my 2:30 meeting 'on the road' walking around the neighborhood.
  17. Remember the days when we could never get blocking? It seemed to snow more then.
  18. Those are some crazy videos of the tractor trailers. Especially the guy that gets knocked out by the door swinging shut as he's standing at the back of the truck.
  19. Sounds like you've got great teams! Good luck in the playoffs. This is just a "for bragging rights" league with my family so unfortunately no money at stake.
  20. I usually am very scientific and spend time researching my draft order - over that sht so decided to auto draft. Clearly computers are smarter than me. I’ve got Taylor and Kupp. Ekeler has been good for me too.
  21. I used the auto draft in my FF league and wound up finishing 1st in the regular season (lol). Have a bye the first week of the playoffs.
  22. While the days are still getting shorter, we’ve officially hit our earliest sunset and have already added a minute back from a few days ago.
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