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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. There’s been some crazy temp swings here this week. Temps rose last night over 20 degrees in two hours then crashed back into the 30s just after midnight. Currently 48 with thick clouds. Picked up almost 1.5” of rain this week so far.
  2. Geez, that sounds scary for you and your wife to go through but I’m happy to hear everything is ok now. And sounds like a great way to disconnect and relax. I hope y’all have a great trip and safe travels. Enjoy the snow!
  3. Agreed. At least there’s been way less talk of the EPS weeklies this season…talk about useless.
  4. Wow…I think one of the football programs did a tribute/segment for him recently too.
  5. The LR takes us into what..mid January? To write off basically two months of winter after that on Dec 28 is insane.
  6. Yep…no one here knows what is going to happen and no one should be writing off winter on December 28. All I know is I’d rather take my chances with a good Pacific regardless of what the data suggests supports DC storms (e.g. -AO) - lets roll the dice with something different IMO.
  7. Let’s just pretend they’re snow totals instead.
  8. More fun than pattern tracking, thats for sure…
  9. 18z GEFS doesn’t seem supportive of the OP for the 3rd, at least looking at 500 anomalies and vort maps on TT.
  10. I miss seeing bowling ball tracks like these and confluence north of us….results in blue pixels over us!
  11. Heck, I’ve had measurable snow in May here.
  12. 32/rain (no accretion now)/thick fog. Thanks, PNA!
  13. I guess you jumped the gun…
  14. I made the same comment to my partner as we stopped at the Shop n Save on 219 when we got here last night. Just a terrible winter thus far for the ski resorts, especially this week when they typically do a sizable portion of their winter business. I’ve probably gotten like 5-6” for the season, most of which fell before Wisp actually opened. At this rate, they’ll easily break the record for the lowest snowfall which is in the low 50s (1942). The only hope is that the Pacific stops being a dumpster fire quickly and they can salvage MLK and President’s weekends.
  15. 31 with light freezing rain. Coating of ice on the deck…I’ll be sure to stay vigilant! /s/
  16. Yep, regardless of the rain to snow output on the models (which we don’t do well here), could see the squally snow showers in that setup. 960s in the Gulf of Maine on the CMC on the 00z, btw. Who’s staying up for the Euro?
  17. GFS gets next weekend’s potential storm down to the 940s over Maine, which is pretty impressive IMO. At least something to track and could set up the mountains for their first warning event of the winter.
  18. NBC needs to can both of them, honestly. By far the worst of the “top line” announcers of the major networks.
  19. Lol. I just turned on the game. 56-7. Sorry, WTF fans.
  20. Down to 37 here. Under a WWA for up an inch of snow and up to 0.1” of ice. At least it’ll feel like winter for a few hours before the multiple rounds of rain the rest of the week.
  21. Longer range 12z HRRR had a couple hours of snow for the northern areas tomorrow morning before the column warms. We’re heading to Deep Creek later today from my parents in NJ - hoping to see some (brief) frozen there tomorrow AM too…I think your area/Manchester/etc has a better shot than Deep Creek in this setup IMO. ETA:
  22. I love that HP to the north on the OP…stout. MSLP map is getting a bit of that ‘classic’ look to it.
  23. GFS continues to honk a pretty big storm in the east between the 2nd and 4th. Gets it down to a 966 near Nova Scotia. ETA: Also, some big time cold in the middle of the country. Ninja’d by Cobalt
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