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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I’m sure I’ll go back to my rightful place being S/E of 95 — spitting snow….34 degrees while N/W is ripping fatties at 28.
  2. Nice shot! I purposely kept ours up yesterday for this same reason.
  3. Now its time to root for a sub-20 degree low.
  4. Lightening up here. Just over 10” so far probably not much more will accumulate. What a storm!!
  5. Pretty crazy that my winter snowfall total in Alexandria is now higher than Deep Creek.
  6. Maybe its just me but I never look at radar during the storm. Would just rather focus on enjoying what's falling vs looking for the back edge.
  7. I forgot how quickly dendrites accumulate. Got measurements of 7”,7.2”,7.4” and 8” on the patio. Going with 7.2”.
  8. I had some random small tree in front of the house that I didn't like just come down...was planning on replacing in the spring anyways.
  9. My poor 35' Magnolia tree is taking a beating. Another huge branch just came down from it.
  10. Tree next to the house just came down. Lots of sagging on others.
  11. Wildly unproductive "working" today. Set up shop in our sun room to have a good view of the snow. SN, 31 degrees.
  12. 1st snowfall since moving into our house in Alexandria. I forgot how pretty snowfall looks with Christmas lights.
  13. Roads covered. Trees caked. Snowing nicely with some breezes. Winter wonderland outside.
  14. HRRR has 1”+/hour rates tomorrow morning in DC from basically 6a to noon before gradually tapering off. Definition of hot and heavy for several hours. Fun stuff!
  15. 46/36. Seems likely we’ll lose the overnight hours’ QPF on rain/mixed precip except for the far N/W areas like Winchester. Tomorrow morning (post daybreak) looks fun though. 4-8” seems like a good call for Arl/Alex/DC.
  16. Welcome to the fun! Look out for those Maryland drivers….they usually don’t know what they’re doing.
  17. At least in MBY, HRRR appears to be running a degree or two warm vs current conditions for both 2m temps and DPs.
  18. Good number. But I’d take the odds of going over that - this “feels” like a boom type scenario.
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