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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Completely agree. How’s the house btw?
  2. I’ll take this GEFS MSLP look for MLK weekend 10 days out.
  3. My season to date total is higher in Alexandria than McHenry, which is insane. Wisp re-opened today after closing on New Years Day - super limited runs but planning more openings tomorrow and into this weekend. Upcoming pattern looks great for the mountains in MD/WV, especially as we get into mid month. Prime snow making conditions and could easily see clippers with great ratios enhanced by the orographic lift.
  4. Have fun! I’m forced to watch the Pens tonight on TNT while I wait for the Caps next game on Friday.
  5. It means he thinks you’re getting 0”.
  6. Not nice to say about Randy
  7. Love the sun poking through those snowcased trees.
  8. Nice try…..we have 52 different models these days that we can obsessively analyze and talk about.
  9. Can't ever get a good trend in the dc area Yesterday called and it wants its facts back. 3k NAM is 1-3”.
  10. Look at the HRRR. Runs hourly (buyer beware at long leads though). Also 00z kicking off now - look at 3k.
  11. No one cares about swim meets.
  12. One from yesterday afternoon before the snow tapered off.
  13. I figured we needed this to showcase our winter photos. So many great amateur photographers here!
  14. Between the favorable conditions for snow making and a potential 6-10”+ event, at least this should allow Wisp to re-open after closing down on New Years Day.
  15. Yikes! Hope they get that corrected for you and your other neighbors ASAP. We finally just got our internet back….made working from home on a bad hotspot fun today!
  16. What does probability of 12"+ and 24"+ show? Let's go big!
  17. Anyone else in Arlington/Alexandria with their Xfinity service out since yesterday evening?
  18. Wonder if there'll be a I-95 baby boom in 9 months.
  19. OMG, that’s insane. It looks like 95N just started to slowly move closer to DC (Potomac Mills-ish) per Twitter reports but southbound is still shutdown.
  20. I feel like we’ve spent way too much time talking about this.
  21. 19 for the low here. They really need to move DCA’s wx station either to the National Mall or away from the furnace. Browsing stations right around them (and in Old Town near the water), they’re all at/below 22. DCA was 27 at 5:52a. LOL
  22. Some of the stuff on the Delmarva is from this afternoon so totals there are a bit inflated.
  23. 18z Euro looks good for a region-wide moderate event. Generally 4-6”+ DC/north. 2-4” EZF/SE MD. 7-9” mountains.
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