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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. I’ve got pixie dust snow and what sounds like iced flakes/sleet against the window. We will switch back, don’t worry. Upslope tomorrow should crank.
  2. We’ve had the house for five years and this is a top three storm for sure so far. The rates, wind, and cold are unreal. Flake size has decreased down to SN- right now.
  3. This is why I love Deep Creek in the winter! Looks like we just got a high wind warning too.
  4. 15.7 with blizzard conditions at times. Impossible to measure but I’d guess 7-8”. Huge flakes coming down.
  5. 15 degrees, mod SN. Enjoying how the snow is shimmering.
  6. You picked a good storm to chase - stop by Firefly Farms in Accident if its still open. One of our favorite places out here.
  7. Yeah, this is legit. Pouring snow and definitely the best winds of the day - a mix of pixie dust, smaller flakes, and dendrites. Temp is still only 12. I’d say 5-6” is a safe bet - if upslope meets expectations, we’d easily be on the upper end of the 12-18” forecast.
  8. My partner asked me to go outside to get a photo of the winter margarita on the deck in the snowstorm for his Instagram. The things we do for our SOs Also, winds gusting in the 40s making for blizzard conditions at times.
  9. The Scottie enjoying the snow earlier this afternoon.
  10. New snowfall LWX predicting from 7p tonight to 7p Monday.
  11. Big time over performing WAA so far. Models had 1-3” through 7p. 12-18” by NWS seems legit.
  12. I’m thinking the mountains easily boom on the forecasts from snowshoe up to Wisp.
  13. It doesn’t matter how many times I’m outside in snow but I’m always in awe of the quiet and peace listening to the snowfall. Sitting on the glider under the awning watching the snowfall.
  14. I tried to measure (got 2”) but with the wind howling, no chance its right. These rates and flake size are legit.
  15. Just absolutely pouring snow man. Over performing on the WAA so far.
  16. Also, just got out of the hot tub — which in a snowstorm, is a totally weenie move I’d recommend for everyone to do. 10 degrees.
  17. Pouring snow here. Trees have a sleety sound so I’d guess some sleet and/or iced flakes mixing in with the dendrites. Impossible to measure with the wind but would say over 2”.
  18. Beer must be hitting me since I read that as zip code 90210 and immediately thought “Donna Martin graduates”
  19. Yeah, LWX mentioned blizzard conditions at times in the warning text out here - I believe it for sure. I’m hoping you stay snow for longer too…NAM sht the bed yesterday for sure.
  20. this aged well. Flake size increased the last 10 mins. Mod snow. Measuring will be impossible with the wind.
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