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Everything posted by nj2va

  1. Geesh, just saw the NAM (lol). That ridge placement out west is basically perfect through Idaho.
  2. Apparently, people think we live on top of Mt Washington and scoff at anything less than 28".
  3. It's a combo of the NS vort and then upslope. The orographic lift will squeeze every drop of moisture out of that NS vort.
  4. WPC mentioned this in their disco: https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/discussions/hpcdiscussions.php?disc=pmdepd&version=0&fmt=reg In the new 00Z cycle the CMC has deviated significantly from other guidance over the eastern Pacific, leading to question marks in its forecast farther eastward--specifically a storm track a bit to the east of consensus versus multiple prior runs that were on the western side.
  5. I think its all about expectations. Expecting a KU? Best to step away from the thread. Interesting in tracking a potential light to moderate event? Absolutely in the game.
  6. I’d think the Control and EPS will look improved based on that run.
  7. Also looks a touch slower than 00z. Base of the trough at H90 vs H96 at 00z is slightly west and looks a touch sharper like you say.
  8. That looks like a certain storm that shouldn’t be named…
  9. I think thats the 18z RGEM through 84H and then its the 12z CMC but I could be wrong.
  10. WWA for the mountains including Wisp and Canaan/Timberline - they're quickly making a dent in the sizable hole they were in on snowfall totals from December.
  11. Let's get this to be red and purple by tomorrow. It was issued prior to the 12z runs so curious if their thinking changed at all based on those.
  12. we can't even get snow on a model in a good pattern. speaking of i already see the good pattern breaking down
  13. I also like the idea of a bombing cyclone in the east as it could set up a 50/50 for a future storm for us.
  14. That looks like a lot of "neige" on the CMC precip link you shared @yoda
  15. Especially when this thing was well east of here 24 hours ago. SMH
  16. Yeah, that'd help get the trough neutral at the MS River, which is always classic for this area.
  17. My HSA and 401k are taking a beating
  18. Definitely rooting for the Bengals...like to see a different team in it this year.
  19. That was the same for the MLK storm too (but OP was most western). at least the OPs aren’t all in agreement with this one.
  20. Thanks for sharing. Would be good for another OP besides the CMC to show it too.
  21. It looks better at 117 but not sure its enough to matter. Regardless I like that its different than 18z.
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