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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. I'm looking at flyingnin to Madison WI and then driving into the totality zone on the 20th.....hopefully I can get in and set up in time....looking at getting back to Madison and staying overnight at a friends house and catching flight back to Boston on Tuesday....price was under $400 which was lol
  2. ****.....that's not a good look on the 0z GFS for the IL/KY are
  3. Also gotta be ready to relocate early if the forecast sucks ass......need to pick out 2 or 3 spots 200-400 miles away that I could reasonably get to......eclipse in my target region is like 1pm ish......could relocate if left early enough on the morning of the 21st......#ItsTooComplicated
  4. This is a great site......I'm late to the party in planning but I'm thinking of flying to Atlanta and then driving to TN/KY/IL area and spending the night......if its in my car I don't care.....these maps help in deciding where there may be delays due to traffic and idiots......thinking I fly on the 20th and then just drive to my viewing spot.....gotta think I need to be in position early.......can't wait
  5. Wow.....really a tremendous stretch of totals for the US inbound......starting with this year......I expect I'll be able to see the 2024 one in northern VT or upstate NY.....maybe my cards play right and I can get to Montana in 44 and then go home to NorCal in 45......52 decent chance - I'd only be 80.......after that I'm done.....too bad I'd have to make it to 107 to be bullseye in West Hartford in 79.....maybe....first things first.....2017 and one hell of a drive
  6. Planning my trip now......I'm late to the party a bit but I've got a high school friend that lives in Nashville so I've hit her up on FB.....either I crash with her or find a cheap ass place within driving distance of totality that I can get to in the morning.....he'll maybe even just drive there in the middle of the night given the expected traffic problems....I don't mind crashing in my car for a few if I have to..... I know Fella is going to Nashville and maybe a few others here.....have you guys picked out secluded rural spots along centerline or are you just gonna stay at your hotel?
  7. Really really want to chase this one....thinking gonna target Nashville....anybody in?
  8. Bogus man.....


    1. ice1972


      And you know it

    2. Rjay


      Lol use your PM function.

    3. ice1972
  9. What is up in the Bay Area? Is that really an inch of rain NE of SJO? Man.....very slow moving....flooding risk? Mid may is crazy late for rain....
  10. Heard on the radio this morning it was visible up in northern new england last night.....possibly further south but was cloudy and rainy....either way.....very cool
  11. Maybe in this setup it matters.....i need to read up on exactly when it matters and doesnt matter.....ive had good storms the past 5 yrs....got in the death band in feb 2013 and feb 2006....
  12. Is the valley actually causing that ir is it councidental? I think the ct valley thing gets overplayed a bit.....im saying its not a death sentence by any stretch.....
  13. Uh no....Boxing Day '10 certainly did not go in everyones favor.....but the next 6 weeks nade up for that epic bust here in HFD area.....that stirm is one of the more irritating ones i can remember.....this one too but i think i made out better today so not as bad.....
  14. Please god no.....that was the biggest screw job of all time....
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