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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. Ya...avoiding the big interstates and not having to cross I-70 was sort of my priority.....if I do go to Fayette, MO its all back roads from Quincy, IL......Probably will leave early to make sure.....like 4 or 5 am
  2. True.....whats your thought on the traffic as you get closer to ground zero? What time do you think you will leave Monday morning? Fayette, MO is not right on the centerline but offset a few miles to the north.....its right on the northern 2min 30sec totality time line......I figure less than 5 seconds is fine.....also looking at a few other spots so that I can decide Monday morning where I ultimately end up.....
  3. Ya thats something I do not want to have to contend with that day......anywhere south of St. Louis.....I picked Fayette since its north of I-70 and I won't have to use an interstate to get there from Quincy......I can adjust as we get closer but really really really don't want to have to go south or southeast......that area southeast of St. Louis into southern IL and western KY is gonna be a ****show with max eclipse happening there....
  4. You gotta be kidding me.....At the fairgrounds? Lol ya.....I emailed the coordinator yesterday and she's like "yep, it's free and we're gonna have the 4-H building open for bathrooms and to get out of sun....don't forget to reserve your glasses, we have those too...." How will you be getting there? Total Solar Eclipse Flyer(1).pdf
  5. It's like the holy grail....you give yourself the best chance you can muster and at some point you go all in and whatever happens happens....in committed to a flight to Madison WI....I'm somewhat committed to an overnight in Quincy, IL....I can cancel as late as Saturday....at some point I'll be forced to make a decision....and there's nothing you can do after that...like Goodfellas...."and that's that....there was nothin we could do" Cutthroat man.....cutthroat.....at least I only gotta wait 7 years....and that one is closer to me...lol....but during New England spring.....awful
  6. Also given what I know about how benchmark storms can be 100 miles off as late as 24 hrs out I probably shouldn't even worry about it....lol
  7. Thanks.....gotta say that's discouraging for the town I've targeted - Fayetteville, MO - but I've got flexibility leaving from Quincy, IL early early Monday....like 3 or 4 am....lol
  8. IDK man pulling off the road and just sleeping in the car seems, at best, weird......I booked a hotel in Quincy, IL for $128 - right on the Mississippi River.....lol I booked it tonight.....its only 2 hrs from the totality path.....early Monday I plan to leave for Fayette, MO......112 miles......theres no interstates to Fayette and I don't have to cross any major interstates to get there.....stay north of I-70.....really have no idea what to expect.....gonna be a fun few days either way
  9. Great thanks.....I just checked 18z GFS 700 RH and it looks great on Monday for the entire path....I didn't check cover maps but so far this is looking like epic viewing coast to coast....not staying up for 0z......new target is Fayette, MO......its just north of the centerline on the 2min 30sec totality line.......someone suggested being a bit north of the line....I mean its only a few miles north lol This is great.......
  10. Just checked AT&T service in central Nebraska.....mega lolz.....that could be a deal breaker forcing me to Missouri.....lol
  11. GFS shows nice little dome of high pressure right over WY.....lol 200 hr models
  12. Ya I initially wanted to.....but booked to Madison already.....I didn't want to pay $1000.....you meeting up with anyone down there?
  13. Thank you....the sunrise/sunset thing makes perfect sense...like I knew what was happening but didn't correlate it to sunset/sunrise..... So in Montana if you were to position yourself right at the end the sun would go down in totality.....that could be a great look..... https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEanimate/SEanimate2001/SE2044Aug23T.GIF
  14. Should I just get in place the night before and rough it in the car or get a place a couple hours away and then go in the morning? I mean it's Nebraska - maybe Missouri - we're talking about here.....or is it just gonna be a sea oh humanity.....
  15. It doesn't "end" suddenly.....it's just that's the spot where the shadow falls off the face of the planet......what's depicted is the area that sees a total before that happens so the end - while maybe not exactly straight like that due to curvature - seems like it just stops......
  16. Strike that......make it the next four.....I'll be 80 come 2052......lol
  17. I think my chances are good to see the next three totals here in the US.....2024, 2044, and 2045......after that lol
  18. I decided to go to Nebraska....further west lowers chance of cloud cover, save a synoptic system or something.....it looks very very rural out there.....I'll fly into Madison WI Saturday....rent the car and then drive to Omaha I think.....but Injavent booked room cuz I wanted to think about traffic on Monday morning and whether I want to be locked in.....maybe I'll just sleep in the car somewhere.....anyway haven't picked target yet but Broken Bow or Ravenna seem like nice spots away from 80.....probably would take the back roads whole way in.....this is gonna be insane.....then after it's over I'll head back to Madison.....lol....fly out Tuesday morning
  19. It's getting close guys......booked into Madison WI then will drive toward Omaha.....about 7 hrs.....will spend night in hotel and then drive into total zone Monday morning based on cloud cover.....can't wait
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