Good luck man.....I'm headed southeast out of Omaha early.....probably down to KC then cut east on 70.....the interstate is in totality for a long ways and based on cloud cover and time of day I'll peel off at some convenient point.....enjoy the eclipse's the only eclipse you got
I mean that panel doesn't look awful for MO.....I'm diverting to at least Fayette....that drive from Omaha is basically entirely within the totality path once I get into MO.....could be problematic traffic wise....
I'm in Omaha tonight but could drive down 29 to MO.....I'm 20 miles out of Omaha now.....crash for 6 hours and then leave.....get as far southeast as possible
Like Fayette MO or somethjng
Actually while I'm sitting at MSP Instarted planning a diversion to Oregon by reroute for through Reno....Reno cuz it was the closest place with cars available.....then I called Delta to reroute me.....$929....ya click
Here at Logan now....and yes it's
Actually I read the boarding pass wrong....boards at 5:10 not wheels up at 5:10....departs 5:50.....FML could have slept another 30 min
All I want to get is a few shots of the 360 sunrise/sunset.....and a selfie with the black hole in the sky behind me.....other than that I will just take it in.....just finished packing....not checking baggage....I have downloaded detailed eclipse state maps and I downloaded the whole plains/upper Midwest section of the country to my iPad that I can use offline.....Google behaves just like it was online....I've packed a small umbrella for shade on the ground....a
Really nervous about traffic in and out of these little 2,600 pop towns in NE.....anywhere really in the path.....probably will leave at like 2am or 3am from spending $130 for 6 hrs sleep lol
I go between second guessing my target and accepting that I should just enjoy the whole trip and the eclipse whatever the's the only eclipse you got