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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. I also loved watching the incoming lightness from the west.....that was cool
  2. And Fella everything you said I noticed too.....all of sudden there was no more cu around....we still had the high haze but I could still make out the corona....really great.... also I didn't notice the birds until I heard start chirping again.....the diamond ring effect is awesome....man I'm hooked....Aruba right?
  3. The cell network went down for like 20 min after totality.....but man.....that was incredible....
  4. 80% or so.....18 min....and I swear the cu field has diminished.....I'm doing a time lapse using my iPad of the crowd trying to capture the dimming to dark and back....I'll review the cu field after
  5. About 55% eclipse maybe 60%.....might get a clear opening in the clouds when this thing goes total
  6. Do we think now the CU field may get suppressed? As the sun is getting dimmer?
  7. Flirting with cu field here.....yikes....45 minutes to total
  8. Here we go......sun is bright but there's a faint haze but im pleased with where I got to from Nebraska and reading the visible.....
  9. I'm done searching.....hot a spot in Columbia MO at Marriot.....there's some groups set up with some pretty sweet gear.....maybe I'll try to talk to them.....very faint high altitude cirrus but so far it's not a problem.....
  10. Man am I happy I bailed on Nebraska....sun just came out from behind a cloud deck extending north....just has to hold on for a few more hours
  11. Thanks man but I think that's pushing it time wise.....Fayette is my target and I'm hoping it works out....95 miles left.... Also....the sun just came up....yay....
  12. I'm passing through St Joseph now.....clear as a bell....and no traffic or people really.....I mean this is ground zero....crowd hype?
  13. I'm in the totality zone in MO near Tarkio on 29......90 second line....this is exciting!!
  14. On the move out of NE....headed for central MO or further SE....will be totality path soon though when I cross into MO GOOD LUCK ALL!!!!
  15. Dude....I'll never make it that far southeast but I'm gonna give it my best....Fayette is first target....I'll go further if I get there in time...good luck
  16. That's not a bad spot cuz it's far western NE.....for me I can't head west as my hotel room tomorrow night isnin Iowa City and that drive would be insane starting at 2:30.....I'll hope for the best heading southeast.....no matter what I see - obviously I'll get see darkness whether it's cloudy or not - it will go down as a great adventure.....it's been fun seeing the heartland as I chase...this country is massive and mostly very rural.....lol SNE....sometimes we operate in a bubble....enjoy....it's the only eclipse you got
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