You’re right of comment is more about CT failing in other weather related things like SVR or Trop.....of course I know that CT isn’t on the ring of Fire and it’s no knock on the state that the ground moving isn’t a thing here.....that said....SF has had its snow.....oddly Feb 5 is the snowiest on record with epic snows in 1887 and 1976 - somehow on the same date....for those who are not familiar with the area the surrounding hills and mountains have a more frequent probability of’s not rare that they get snow visible for miles on the upper elevations of the surrounding mountains once or twice per season.....
Of course a three hour drive northeast to Lake Tahoe puts those poor souls from the lowlands in the top 3 most prolific place for snow in the world.......its an easy trade to make....
For me though I do like living in a place where my routine is impacted by sustained snow and ice and general frozen’s a change from the Bay Area I don’t hate.....I love it actually