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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. Torrential rain for 5 min.....went to stop in half a second....main line is approaching now
  2. Watch the cloud tops.....some 35k+ ones still out there....I’ll be interested to see what happens as it approaches the river
  3. Paul!!!! Ryan just showed your pic!!! Sweet!!!
  4. I mean it was decent when it was back in NY.....east of that so meh.....as usual
  5. Lol that was the saddest death of a line in a while.....classic
  6. I mean it underperformed for sure....that’s all....could have been so much better
  7. Dumb SNE and SVR....never works out
  8. Very meh here in West Hartford....classic....oh well
  9. Yep.....it’s official....game will resume 8/22 AIT....
  10. Aug 22 may make more sense with it being an off day for both teams and KC in Baltimore already.....Sox already home vs Philly....
  11. Lol the Sox game in a delay tied at 4 in extras.....haha....doesn’t look to be ending anytime soon either....they’ll have to finish that game somehow later?
  12. It definitely caught up but when it was saying 1.5” or so there were reports of double that already.....either way....great storm
  13. Haha.....seriously though....it seemed like God just turned on the hose on full....it was so much water....the constant lightning and thunder was so great
  14. About 3" Hartford west in about 90 minutes......thats a healthy dose of water......awesome
  15. Ya the radar estimate is low.....it’s just pouring water here....oh man
  16. Radar estimates for total rainfall at 1.50”+ West Hartford and west.....2.00”+ Farmington Valley
  17. Just pounding rain and massive strikes......its almost a constant roar and growl outside......so great
  18. Its up now....I just got the notification on my phone.....
  19. OK something just exploded outside......holy moly.......
  20. You’re right of course.....my comment is more about CT failing in other weather related things like SVR or Trop.....of course I know that CT isn’t on the ring of Fire and it’s no knock on the state that the ground moving isn’t a thing here.....that said....SF has had its snow.....oddly Feb 5 is the snowiest on record with epic snows in 1887 and 1976 - somehow on the same date....for those who are not familiar with the area the surrounding hills and mountains have a more frequent probability of snow....it’s not rare that they get snow visible for miles on the upper elevations of the surrounding mountains once or twice per season..... Of course a three hour drive northeast to Lake Tahoe puts those poor souls from the lowlands in the top 3 most prolific place for snow in the world.......its an easy trade to make.... For me though I do like living in a place where my routine is impacted by sustained snow and ice and general frozen scenarios.....it’s a change from the Bay Area I don’t hate.....I love it actually
  21. Ahahahahahahahah......CT can’t even do seismic right.....
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